This Death Row Condemned “Woman” is Hung – IOTW Report

This Death Row Condemned “Woman” is Hung


Unless Missouri Gov. Mike Parson grants clemency, Amber McLaughlin, 49, will become the first openly transgender woman executed in the US. She is scheduled to die by injection Tuesday for killing a former girlfriend in 2003, the AP reports. McLaughlin’s attorney, Larry Komp, said there are no court appeals pending. The clemency request focuses on several issues, including McLaughlin’s traumatic childhood and mental health issues, which the jury never heard in her trial. A foster parent rubbed feces in her face when she was a toddler and her adoptive father used a stun gun on her, according to the clemency petition. It says she suffers from depression and attempted suicide multiple times.

The petition also includes reports citing a diagnosis of gender dysphoria, a condition that causes anguish and other symptoms as a result of a disparity between a person’s gender identity and their assigned sex at birth. “We think Amber has demonstrated incredible courage because I can tell you there’s a lot of hate when it comes to that issue,” her attorney, Larry Komp, said Monday. But, he said, McLaughlin’s sexual identity is “not the main focus” of the clemency request. Parson’s spokesperson, Kelli Jones, said the review process for the clemency request is still underway. There is no known case of an openly transgender inmate being executed in the US before, according to the anti-execution Death Penalty Information Center.

21 Comments on This Death Row Condemned “Woman” is Hung

  1. I’ve never really understood why prison authorities intervene and prevent inmates on death row from killing themselves. Likewise, why executions are delayed if the condemned are sick: the bosses wait until the bad guy gets better and then kill him.

  2. side topic, there is no changing from m-f or f-m. You can of course play dress up but the closest one can hope for is eunuch. he can simulate the monthly visitor with tomato paste or cutting but can never duplicate true female functions

  3. A friend of mine did two years (for selling drugs) at the same prison Richard Speck was in. It was after Speck started getting hormone treatment, grew breasts and started delivering oral sex for cigarettes…..He said Speck was very weird and to be avoided…..Imagine that….This guy is similar….

  4. Excellent grammar and vocabulary lesson here… The difference between hanged and hung: a criminal is hanged; a man (or a picture) is hung.

    Oh, and there is no difference between the man who committed the crime and the man who will be executed for it. It’s the same MAN.

  5. @Old Racist White Woman — Here’s an idea: Ship the corpse to Colorado, the closest place to Missouri that composts human corpses. I can’t think of a more deserving compostee.

    Headstone? We don’ need no steenkin’ headstone!

  6. I really think they should go back to hanging:
    Environmentally More Friendly than the Chair.
    No issues with lethal drug boycotts.
    Saves Ammo, practice, guilt?
    Easier & Cheaper to maintain than a Gas Chamber.

  7. Shoot, bag, and bury.

    I know he’s one of God’s children, too – but I have little sympathy – regardless of events from his youth, he still made choices – conscious decisions.

    And maybe – just maybe – execution is in his better interest? He’s obviously confused and plagued by devils.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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