House Republicans Remove Nancy Pelosi’s Metal Detectors and Other Optics Intended to Support J6 Extremism Narrative – IOTW Report

House Republicans Remove Nancy Pelosi’s Metal Detectors and Other Optics Intended to Support J6 Extremism Narrative

CTH: In the aftermath of the 2020 election House democrats led by Nancy Pelosi directed a national pantomime from Washington DC that extremists were running amok and terrorizing congress.  The January 6 Committee was intended to further establish that narrative.

Pelosi called up the national guard, put fences and barbed wire around congress then installed metal detectors, all as part of the theater for manufacturing the domestic violent extremist narrative.  The media engineered the supportive narrative and the ridiculous pantomime continued throughout the past two years.   However, as congress now changes hands and republicans take control, the fences are taken down and the metal detectors are being removed. MORE

10 Comments on House Republicans Remove Nancy Pelosi’s Metal Detectors and Other Optics Intended to Support J6 Extremism Narrative

  1. McCarthy has lost a seventh vote. I’ve read that 5 will not vote for him even if he agrees to their terms because of the threats and his smugness that he didn’t have to negotiate.

  2. Ok. Got rid of Nancy’s J6 optics.
    Now remove Nancy. And Post Turtle Mitch.

  3. The RINOs assume that resistance will cave (because that’s what they always do).

    If there is no limit to how many times McCarthy gets voted on, I hope this goes on until March !

  4. Now some FBI agent runs in and shoots up the place just to make Republicans look bad.

    For some reason the FBI can’t find the guy afterwards and the Capitol Police say the only thing the cameras show is a MAGA hat just before they seal it up for the next 50 years…

  5. @TN Tuxedo January 5, 2023 at 6:04 pm

    > False flag attack attempt at the US Capital in 3…2…1…

    Oh! The weather outside is frightful.
    But a Reichst…

    …erm… I mean… a… ahh…

    A Capitol fire’d be delightful!
    And since patriots always say ‘No’!
    Let it burn. Let. It. burn. Let it burn!

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