On 2nd Anniversary of J6 AG Garland Lies About Capitol Police Deaths – IOTW Report

On 2nd Anniversary of J6 AG Garland Lies About Capitol Police Deaths


U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland honored the five Capitol Police officers on Thursday who, he said, died after defending the legislature from the January 6 riot in 2021 — though none were killed during the violence.

In a statement on the second anniversary of the Capitol riot, Garland appeared to link the riot to the deaths Deceive

15 Comments on On 2nd Anniversary of J6 AG Garland Lies About Capitol Police Deaths

  1. …Capitol Police officers on Thursday who, he said, died after defending the legislature from the January 6 riot in 2021…
    This can be said about all officers who have died since then.

  2. THANKS MITCH!?@#$!%^*. NOT

    Had Mitch not worked tiresly to get Garland confirmed Garland would not be AG!

    Where would THE UNIPARETY be without leftist liar Mitch?

    JANUARY 6, 2023 AT 9:18 AM
    “PRAISE JESUS he never made it to the Supreme Court…”


    Keep in mind that the Democrats stole a clear majority in the Senate this time.

    It will no longer be possible for Republicans to stop ANY nomination from advancing.

    And you can rest assured Garland knows it.

    And is probably asking after Clarence Thomas’ health even as we speak.

  4. I think the dem controlled CIA-FBI had something to do with those deaths.

    CIA Chief to FBI Chief: Hey, did you see what them DC cops done? – they know and seen too much – the big guy don’t want no stool pigeons blabbing all over the place – Got it?

    FBI Chief to CIA Chief: Got it. Don’t worry Boss, I’ll get my boys on it right away. They only song them cops gonna sing is the death gurgle.

  5. “Journalism” is “denying” the stories people who love Jeffrey Dahmer tell about why Jeffrey Dahmer loved them? That’s what they’re being paid for?

    “Jeffrey Dahmer loved xim” isn’t “clicky” enough?

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