UW-Madison liberals ‘physically sick’ and ‘hurt’ by Matt Walsh event – IOTW Report

UW-Madison liberals ‘physically sick’ and ‘hurt’ by Matt Walsh event


Matt Walsh event was ‘hate crime against women,’ and promoted violence, according to complaints

University of Wisconsin-Madison students, faculty and staff feared a conservative event that criticized gender ideology represented a “hate crime against women” and would promote violence against LGBT individuals, according to documents obtained by The College Fix.

The Fix recently obtained bias incident reports through a public records request for complaints made against the Young Americans for Freedom event featuring Matt Walsh.

The event was about transgenderism and shared a name with his “What is a Woman” movie.

Students, staff and professors were left “angry,” “hurt” and “physically sick” at the thought of him coming to campus, based on complaints primarily filed before the event.



I am traumatized by this woman’s face. To me, she looks like someone that is a knee-jerk progressive, and those values, including letting people waltz over our border is threatening to me.

I want her canceled.

A teacher reportedly broke into tears while another felt “threatened.”

17 Comments on UW-Madison liberals ‘physically sick’ and ‘hurt’ by Matt Walsh event

  1. I had great-great grandparents who lived in Black Earth, WI. It’s a small farming community twelve miles west of Madison. I thank God they moved away from there to the South to farm rice at the turn of the previous century.

  2. Fake students, fake faculty, and fake staff of a fake educational institution get fake illnesses and fake “hurts” over nothing.

    So sad … all those fake lives dissolved “… like tears in the rain …”

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. They are also madly behind the curve. What Is A Woman is soo six months ago. Were they sleeping? Engaged in some kind of non binary blubber and tats orgy? Midwest collegiate insecurity revealed, now stick that frozen tomato paste up your cloacas and get to menstruating fellers, let it dribble down your leg.

  4. Dear Governor DeSantis, please ship a few thousand queer illegals to UW Madison, Wisconsin. That White Racist Leftist School needs some additional WOKE segregation.


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