THE MOST Overrated “Intellectual” Ever – He is the Minnesota Fats of Academia – IOTW Report

THE MOST Overrated “Intellectual” Ever – He is the Minnesota Fats of Academia

I have always maintained that this guy is a fraud. He is not a heavyweight. He is an affirmative action figure.

Listen to this dope spew 2021 talking points. Watch him pivot to bullshit. Watch him lose it emotionally, something that a scholar does not do because they are confident with their facts.

Tyson stammers and breaks the emergency glass and uses the “the virus mutated” crapola.

These idiots still say “my immunization won’t work unless you are immunized!” (He doesn’t use those words, but that is his implication when he says “social contract.”) THAT, RIGHT THERE, DISQUALIFIES HIM FROM ANY COVID DISCUSSION. Or any other discussion.

57 Comments on THE MOST Overrated “Intellectual” Ever – He is the Minnesota Fats of Academia

  1. Anyone who supported in any capacity government usurpation of personal sovereignty of medical decisions of others deserves to shit their pants while being publicly hung. I don’t care if they are nothing more than my neighbor. If they supported this they deserve nothing less.

  2. I watch “How The Universe Works” in the morning before going to work.
    If he were ever to have his mug show up on the screen, nope! off goes the TV!

  3. My first thought when seeing the headline (before I got to the meat) was “it’s got to be Tyson”. Sure enough. The guy uses big words to convince people that he is ever so smart.

  4. I never understood that argument,”It’s not about you, it’s about the people you interact with”. When two people enter an abortion clinic and only one person leaves, I would submit that the interaction did not go so well with that person NOT leaving.

  5. Kneel Y’Greasy Tyrone is a certifiable fraud.
    He’s the Affirmative Action version of Bill Nye the Science Guy.
    Straight up bullshit – top to bottom.
    He’s an entertainer – not a Physicist – a George Gamow wannabe.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Why insult Minnesota Fats? He was a great billiards player and a hell of a character……..Tyson is the Colin Kaepernick of science……

    I remember watching Fats play Willie Moscone on?….Wide World of Sports?….I dunno….

  7. Neil DeGrasse Tyson is an affirmative action figure. Yup, right up there with Genital Ben, the anatomically correct bear and G.I. Don’t Know, the gender confused warrior!
    Or my personal favorite: P.T.S.D. ACTION MAN – He’s seen things! Oh yeah he’s the man with the eagle eyes and the thousand yard stare. He’s sad because of feelings… that and the vial of Afghani children’s blood he keeps in his pocket

  8. There are people who become associated with greatness in an endeavor who are not that great.
    Harpo Marx was not a great harpist.
    Minnesota Fats was not a great pool player.

    I’m not saying the sucked, but if you asked people who the greatest pool player was they would say Minnesota Fats. He’s not even close to the greatest.

  9. Tyson is just another Oprah Winfree. A talentless minority hack who is held up as a guiding beacon to those in society who are easily manipulated to believe something that isn’t true. Both were practically taken off the streets and artificially elevated to success when they had no means whatsoever to attain it on their own. Oprah’s role was created to push the feminist/abortion agenda. She had millions of white women convinced that they didn’t need a husband and that they would be happier without one. Today, we know those women as ‘crazy cat ladies’. Tyson was created to push the climate agenda. Only the dumbest of the dumb, like those who grew up watching ‘Captain Planet’, believe his crap.

  10. Neil DeGrasse Tyson is a bigger intellectual dumbass than Carl Pagan was. I never watched his new version of Cosmos. I wonder if he talks in a monotone like Carl Pagan did, my wife and I some friends watched Cosmos back in the late 70’s and early 80’s on PBS and by the middle of the program his monotone was so boring it would always put me to sleep.

  11. I don’t have a PhD behind my name, and even I, lowly ole me, has more common sense than the guy who thinks he’s a genius. I find him to be a pompous ass, and his brother too. Happy he got the jab, he might meet the slab sooner than he thinks.

  12. I never let my kids watch Captain Planet when they were little kids. It was pure propaganda bullshit spouted by Ted Turner. And I know that they didn’t miss anything since they don’t believe any of the globull warming malarkey. My son and I saw Bill Nye once riding his bike in the Ballard neighborhood of Seattle years ago in the 90’s, he’s an intellectual blowhard and full of unscientific crap as well.

  13. I stated this earlier on another thread about NDT’s recent embarrassing attempt to spout science. Treating NDT as an expert on COVID and vaccines is like me asking my plumber why I have to pee 10 times a night. It’s not his area of expertise. He doesn’t know any more than the average person if not less if he relies on the MSM for information.

  14. Is this the guy who punched his girlfriend/wife? at a hotel? I don’t follow any of these folks, so I don’t know him.

    Why do people who self-identify as progtards think that celebrities are qualified to opine about anything outside their area of knowledge? I’ve never understood that. It would be like expecting serious, bankable info about (pick something) from that woman who made a candle with a repulsive label about her nether regions (Paltrow?).

    I know, I know…

  15. Minnesota Fats was competent and actually good, if not great. This schlub cant begin to clear the first hurdle. He doesn’t have enough intellectual firepower to toast a crumpet.

  16. Speaking of Tyson…You know who was another over-hyped Tyson? Mike Tyson, the boxer. He was a tier 2 boxer. Not saying he wasn’t a good fighter but couldn’t beat tier 1 level boxers. Fight me on that….

  17. “Speaking of Tyson…You know who was another over-hyped Tyson? Mike Tyson”

    Yea, you know nothing about boxers vs fighters. Mike Tyson was the king of swat. I truly think if came out of retirement tomorrow he could capture the heavy weight champion ship. Nobodies ever hit like Mike.

  18. @ Brad and joe6pak….Yeppers, Leon Spinks could bang…..Ali couldn’t smack hard?….Watch those videos and ask Foreman what he thinks….Frazier would answer but he’s dead….

  19. Tyson’s biggest mistake was moving away from Kevin Rooney after Cuss died. Don Fucking King convinced him to move. Cuss and his wife actually adopted Tyson. Tyson supported her in high style until she died. Robin Givens and her mom should rot in hell. Speaking of Robin Givens, how often do you hear about her? I guess that back fired.

  20. My dad was a huge fight fan. I grew up in a SoCal beach town a hop skip and a jump away from Jerry Quarry’s gym. Damn that guy was impressive with sparring partners. LOL.
    Glad to see I’m not the only fight fan here. I think we need our own perma thread.

  21. Once Jerry Quarry took his head gear off he’d get cut quick! He’d bleed so bad after a couple of his fights there would be talk of shutting down boxing. But Quarry wouldn’t quit, they’d have to stop the fight to get him out of the ring.

  22. @ Brad….Yep, I can tell you where I was and listening to the first Liston vs Clay fight on my transistor radio…..I was sick and probably 4 or 5 years old on the couch.Liston was living in Denver, I’ve been a fan since then, but boxing decided to shit the bed. They made multiple belts….couldn’t unify shit….They killed the golden goose. I cain’t hardly watch it anymore…..sad….

  23. Ali came up through the Olympic Boxing program where they’re big on scoring points with the white portion of the glove. How he boxed right to the end. He was certainly fun to watch.

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