House Dems Go Insane Opposing Born-Alive Bill – IOTW Report

House Dems Go Insane Opposing Born-Alive Bill

Daily Caller

Democratic politicians are portraying the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, which requires health care professionals to provide necessary care to infants born alive after failed abortions, as an attack on women’s rights.

Democratic Massachusetts Rep. Katherine Clark and Democratic California Reps. Judy Chu and Norma Torres characterized the legislation as an assault on women’s freedom and bodily autonomy. Certain tweets also appeared to refer to a resolution in the House of Representatives condemning violent attacks on pro-life groups. Protect

As awful as those arguments against the bill are, what Jerry Nadler tried to claim is completely senseless. Endangers

19 Comments on House Dems Go Insane Opposing Born-Alive Bill

  1. I avoid the reference to satanic when commenting on evil perpetrated by man. This opposition is satanic. It is organized evildoing in pursuit of evil ends. Really nothing more or less than one would expect from the democrats.

  2. @Walter — I understand the distinction you are trying to make, but both examples — man- or satan-caused — share the very same original cause. Evil came into the garden via satan and was acquired by man in his disobedience to God.

    God bless you.

  3. This bill is a step in the right direction, and it further exposes the left, as sick and twisted, but the short term result will be that abortionists will make sure the baby is dead before it is delivered.

  4. @BHO, then she should avoid doing the act that may result in a baby. How demented to think being able to create life within yourself is a punishment. As the mother of three incredible human beings I can say first hand, the miracle of birth is truly a gift from God and I have been mightily blessed.

  5. What the societal lowlies and Joe Biden with their false indignation really want is to have all non-white babies murdered at birth. They did the same to the native american babies.

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