Baldwin to Be Charged with Involuntary Manslaughter – IOTW Report

Baldwin to Be Charged with Involuntary Manslaughter

ABC News

Alec Baldwin and armorer Hannah Gutierrez-Reed will each be charged with two counts of involuntary manslaughter for the 2021 fatal shooting on the New Mexico set of the film “Rust,” officials said Thursday.

Santa Fe First Judicial District Attorney Mary Carmack-Altwies and special prosecutor Andrea Reeb announced their decision Thursday morning in a written statement shared with media.

First assistant director David Halls has already agreed to plead guilty for the charge of negligent use of a deadly weapon. Convict

39 Comments on Baldwin to Be Charged with Involuntary Manslaughter

  1. He’s a lying coward who claimed he didn’t pull the trigger. For those who defend him, who’s lying, him or the FBI who concluded the gun could not have fired without the trigger being pulled?
    Trick question.

  2. Provelt: No, Alec Baldwin did the killing, the gun was the implement. Did you notice the prosecutor charged Baldwin, not the gun with manslaughter. And while it’s true that he is innocent until proven guilty IN A COURT OF LAW, we can reach our own conclusions based on the facts known so far; it will have no effect in him. SMH

  3. Aren’t you suppose to keep an empty chamber on a revolver? I’m sure an antique revolver might discharge without a finger pull, but a modern handgun that supposedly was well maintained by an actual gun expert just going off?

    He pulled that trigger. Perhaps his index finger got caught up with the trigger as he went for a nose pick or butt scratch. That’s as much allowance as I’m willing give the careless idiot. The jury for this trial should be interesting.

  4. @Provelt
    So, that’s the defense that guy in the Houston, Texas taqueria can use? That ninth bullet just decided to go off by itself while he was pointing the gun at the guy lying on the ground?

  5. Dr. Tar

    It was, and is still, common practice to keep an empty hole under the hammer when carrying a Single Action Army. The concern is if something strikes the back of the hammer it might ignite the primer resulting in the gun discharging. Dip shit had the gun drawn, hammer back. The empty hole is out of play.
    He was responsible as soon as he pulled the hammer back.

  6. Since the DA knows what Baldwin’s defense will be,”The gun went off on its own, I did not pull the trigger”, you can bet that he was evidence at hand refuting this. It could be any number of things; recovered emails on his phone implying guilt, or contemporaneous statements at the scene,”How did a live round get in there, I thought it had blanks”.

    Naturally, if someone on set heard him say and will testify that Baldwin made a statement admitting no trigger pull, that will help him.

  7. PS
    He will be found guilty. Probably won’t serve any time. However the guilty verdict will almost automatically render him defenseless in his civil trial and they will bankrupt his ass. As soon as the moneys gone, so is his Spanish speaking slut wife.

  8. Anyone stupid enough to point a gun at another person and pull the trigger is beyond any hope. He’s as stupid as Joementia. One NEVER points a firearm and anything he does not wish to destroy.

  9. I haven’t read the preceding comments, but I’m guessing several have already said what I’m about to: Being charged and being convicted are two different things. He will not be convicted because of his status. The armorer, however, has no power or status and she’ll go to jail.

  10. @Anonymous

    Do you have anything constructive to provide or do you just like being a shithead?

    As with most trials, it will come down to jury selection. I suspect that folks in New Mexico know their way around firearms and firearms safety, and will not have their heads turned by either celebrities or their preposterous excuses.

    The only way that the rule of law can function is if ALL fall under its authority. It does not look good when celebrities, politicians, or FBI spooks get special treatment.

  11. When he was “practicing” his cross draw toward the camera…was he actually practicing yet too stupid to realize he was pointing his revolver toward the camera crew? Did the camera crew want to see him do his cross draw a few times in order to get the right scene? Whole damn thing sounds effed up. I’ll bet anything he had the trigger pulled, while practicing his cross draw, cocked the hammer and released the hammer…thinking it wouldn’t go forward.

  12. Don’t hold your breath for Alec Baldwin, a democrat activist to be held accountable by the democrat prosecutor who is supposedly going after him.
    This will likely end up in declare him “exonerated” the way Hillary Clinton was “exonerated” by the democrats.

  13. Believe I said it before, but who knows with how long ago the threads started on this one (1 1/2 years?).

    With a pump shotguns it’s call “Slam Firing,” with the single action revolvers it’s called “Slip Hammering.”

    Different from “Fanning” as that also will fire the pistol if the trigger is depressed.

    Anyway, the gun can be fired “without pulling the trigger” as you are holding the trigger depressed before cocking the hammer or cycling the pump on the shotgun. But you still have to depress the trigger before doing either with the gun. As fast as you cock the hammer or pump the shotgun it WILL FIRE A ROUND. You damn well better know where your weapon is pointing before you try the move. So an idiot might think he didn’t pull the trigger.

    So if you have the so called EXPERT GUN CONTROL ADVOCATE playing with the pistol he might think he didn’t pull the trigger as he already had it depressed when he cocked the hammer.

    If our friends with the Federal Bureau of Instigation said it wouldn’t fire without a trigger pull that is what most likely happened. That or the lying sack of shit not only cocked the hammer, but also pulled the trigger.

    Have seen some well practiced shooters do the slip hammering in competitions, but it has to be “stages” set with single dump targets for each gun close in and I will not admit to doing it myself. Top shooters in SASS can cycle the guns faster than a semi auto is capable of firing or cycling the rounds.

    Previously posted some links showing what the shooters are capable of are you can find those googling SASS or go to …

  14. ^^^ Yes. That why I mentioned as soon as he pulled the hammer back he was responsible. If he already had the trigger pinned, the guns going bang when he lets go of the hammer.
    Bottom line, he was holding the gun. No one else. He was responsible that the gun was “safe”.

    Prosecution rests.

  15. Jethro,

    Would you believe a 97 laying on the table empty, grabbing it, loading and getting four rounds off in 2.48 SECONDS

    Ten rounds out of a lever gun under two seconds

    Draw, fire and draw second pistol ten on target in just over two seconds.

    Etc., etc.

    Close it up below…
    http:// www

    Cowboys can shoot!

  16. They bare all a bunch of idiots. Sorry to say it, but the deceased is included. You line up the scene and practice pretending to hold a gun. Start the cameras and move all the people out of harm’s way. Then commence with the scene.

  17. Cynic
    You are right. From what I’ve read the crew was suppose to be behind a 1 inch thick sheet of Plexiglass. Bullet Proof. How did live rounds get on that set? Management should be held responsible. Who is management? Freaken Baldwin. That was his production.

  18. Cynic – that’s why I said something just isn’t right about the entire situation. Libtard dumbass playing around with his revolver and probably never handled a firearm outside of the studio. Letting him draw right in front of the camera. Twenty-something “armorer” who I would bet was playing on her phone more so than paying attention on the set. Camera assistants/crew walking off the set complaining about a lack of safety, especially concerning the firearms (two accidental prop gun discharges). Sounds like a complete clusterfuck to me.

  19. You can save lots of money hiring people with less experience. Especially giving someone their FIRST job in charge as the armorer. I’m sure being an assistant previously qualifies.

    Besides, all the inexperience will never talk back or question your demands on the set.

    He was large and in charge

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