Mall of America Asks Man to Remove His “Jesus Saves” Shirt or be Kicked Out – IOTW Report

Mall of America Asks Man to Remove His “Jesus Saves” Shirt or be Kicked Out

The Patriot Post – Watch the video HERE.

h/t Dadof4

Anthony Brian Logan said that if it were a Muslim wearing a shirt promoting his religion, they wouldn’t have even talked to him. Having lived in Minneapolis for three decades, I say, they not only wouldn’t have talked to him, they would have kicked out the person who complained about the message on the shirt.

30 Comments on Mall of America Asks Man to Remove His “Jesus Saves” Shirt or be Kicked Out

  1. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnd don’t miss the 3 O’Clock showing of “Boy Tossing” off the 3rd floor balcony!


    At least the man who did that is serving a 19 year sentence. – Claudia

  2. First thing I thought of, malls are still a thing? I haven’t been inside one in at least 20 years.

    Suing is useless, it is private property and they can “trespass” you for any reason.

    A better approach would be to organize a grassroots movement to not patronize that mall, period. I would let the organization as well as each individual store know that I am not happy with the way this man was treated and unless they make a public apology to him and a proclamation that participants of all religions are welcome there, I will not return.

    Isn’t Bloomington infested with Somali and West African Muslims? There is your problem right there.

  3. What if the shirt were an advertisement for a bank located inside the Mall of America that says Jesus saves at the 1st National Bank of Minneapolis? Would they still throw him out for that. And whatever happened to freedom of speech? I guess it only works anymore only for those who are politically correct and not for the vast majority of Americans who just want to be left alone to express their opinions. The Mall of America is just Vanity Fair in alluring disguise in order to separate all the sheep from their hard-earned money. I hate large crowds and wouldn’t be caught dead inside that huge mall.

  4. Behold how is-slum is “the most tolerant religion on Earth”! Can’t offend “the Prophet”.

    Sue them for calling themselves the Mall of America, which reportedly was the Land of Free Speech.

  5. I went to Newport Aquarium and got a wanding from some young kid who was absolutely SURE someone as male and White as ME just HAD to be carrying an eeeeeeeevil gun on their pristine, (good guy)gun-free presmises. Made me turn out my pants pockets too, just in case I had a Derringer I suppose.

    I normally wouldn’t go there because, “gun free” assholes, and I generally wouldn’t put up with 12 year old Webster ordering me around, but it was my grand-niece’s birthday and I was pushing someone in a wheelchair so I couldn’t give this love child of Paul Blart and Steve Urkel the dressing-down he truly deserved without ruining HER day, but I did have a couple of fun times with him.

    One, I was wearing my rescue pouch under my coat (that Jayden Shit didn’t even notice until I opened my coat, to go by the way his eyes widened), but I very nicely summoned my best psycho smile as I slowly unzipped the case in front of this unarmed douchnozzle, then quickly whipped out…my rescue mask. I couldn’t tell if he was mad because I scared him, or relieved I didn’t shoot him. Either way, he got a Chinese-eyed with disappointment that I didn’t have a Dirty Harry Smith & Wesson Model 29 .44 Magnum on me for him to crow about disarming some honkey about to the collection of pillows he stuffed in his clothes at home later in lieu of the friend this asshole never had.

    After that, as I walked on, i suddenly jammed my hand in my JACKET pocket, which he never looked in, prompting him to point his metal detector at me like he could take my 240 pound ass down with 8 inches of plastic and wire with GARRETT painted on it. So I drew out…my cell phone, which his pathetic wanding DIDN’T EVEN PICK UP.

    He then decided he had rousted this hillbilly enough and retreated to air drum on the tail of a fiberglass fish in the corner.

    The thing is, they’re MALL MARINES. I’ve seen quite a many of them over the years and they are basically either bored pensioners marking time or young kids who are cop wannabes but too much physical or mental baggage to pull that fantasy off, so they get a li’l starched white shirt that they think confirs a modicum of “authoritai”. Sometimes they get a hilarious “PRIVATE SECURITY” badge too, but many services are too cheap to even spring for that.

    So keep in mind that they CAN ask you to leave but they CAN’T choose your route…or your speed. Off-duty cops are pricey so they only have civil arrest powers, same as you and me, so if they lay a hand on you, have a lawyer clean the mall’s remaining clock over it later.

    Whether or not you clean Baby Brodka’s clock is, of course, up to YOU.

    Can be amusing, to be sure.

    But makes it kinda hard to explain that you were defending a JESUS shirt later in court in this context…

  6. Not offended in the least by this story. The fellow *had* to be ejected just as God planned him to be. Now the real story — That Jesus Saves — has been carried many more times beyond the Mall of America. The man took up his cross when he slipped that tee shirt over his head and was rewarded beyond his wildest dreams.

    “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.” ~ Romans 8:28

  7. I’m sure that the guy who wore the John 3:16 shirt to major sporting events years ago offended more far people than that guy at the Mall of America with his Jesus saves T shirt. He sure ticked the networks off when they would show a closeup of him in that John 3:16 shirt.

  8. Be interesting to try an experiment…..all recorded, of course.
    Wear a “Only Jesus Saves” t-shirt into a/the mall.
    Get asked to remove said shirt or leave.
    Leave. Swap t-shirts to an Izzie one “Only The Prophet Saves” (or similar)
    Return to the same mall. Walk by the same Paul Blart Mall Cop. Record reaction.
    B’cast both videos. Name names. Don’t be rude, but don’t be shy either.

  9. Our local mall does not allow guns. At the entrance to the mall (some stores with doors to the outside do not seem to fall under this) are signs that say that no weapons are allowed and that they have gun sniffing dogs to enforce it.

  10. Don’t misunderstand me that there are NO good security guards, but most of the selection is done by business managers who aren’t particularly interested in paying for or training the best.

    One of my friends, former co-worker, and former boss started his working life as a security guard. And I started MY working life as a dishwasher. Neither of us STAYED in those positions, however, but went on to bigger and better things. Security guard in this context is fine as an entry-level job. But it’s generally a bad sign if someone makes a career out of an entry-level job.

    One of my friends HERE who I also talk to at times by PM and who helped me through a rough patch falls on the “pensioner” end of the scale. The job, to him, is something to do, I don’t think he actually needs it but its better than watching the soaps. Nothing wrong with that either, he isn’t busting anyone’s balls over apparel and would probably laugh at his boss if they told him to.

    And I loved the HELL out of the teenage girls that Sears replaced the off-duty cops when they started their death spiral, but I don’t believe for a minute they’d have been able to take a robber down or stop a fight or even make a shoplifter do anything but laugh. God bless ’em, they TRIED, but certain things you WANT a fat old cop type for, and this was one of them.

    Then there was the time a mall jewelry store got robbed and Security responded.

    He had Mace.

    They had Uzis.

    …the cops found him still hiding under a car in the parking lot some time later, having decided (wisely, in his case) that discretion was the better part of valor.

    And there were the guards at this originally quite toshy mall in my fire district once. They gave these guys one HELL of a pep talk, apparently, because at ONE incident I heard this guy loudly arguing with a police sergeant that “I AM A POLICE OFFICER AND THIS MALL IS MY JURISDICTION!”, followed by him getting a ride in a REAL police car to a REAL police station for a further talk with REAL police officers about the differences between police officers and security guards. Since I had duty all night and didn’t get called to the sally port for this guy getting a lumpy head, I have to assume the talk was successful.

    Or they killed him and buried him in secret. Whichever. Problem solved either way.

    A different guard got mad when we didn’t follow him into a parking structure with our 20 ton firetruck that wouldn’t fit in the opening anyway even if the structure WERE strong enough. These guys sometimes got pretty, eh, “focused”, but didn’t really think things through. You should LISTEN to the security guard but not FOLLOW him blindly, is what I’m saying.

    We have security guard nap stations…I mean, “posts”…in my current plant, too. We’re required to by contract and also because our worker population can make things exciting. They’re pretty good at checking badges, but I guess they give the company someone to blame if a terrorist gets a nuke in here, which he certainly could when they’re busy, napping, lunching, or on YouTube. It’s a thrird party firm though, and you KNOW they’re serious when the supervisor pulls up in his Ford Focus with the hilariously out-of-proportion ’80s rack of green roof lights.

    Security guards serve a purpose, I suppose.

    Just…don’t expect too much from them.

  11. SNS 9:42AM
    Instead of a “Stars and Bars”, try wearing a “Bonnie Blue” (solid blue background with one large white star front-and-center). Just as confrontational… those who know history.

  12. President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neanderthal B Woodman Domestic Violent Extremist SuperStraight
    JANUARY 19, 2023 AT 2:02 PM
    SNS 9:42AM
    “Just as confrontational… those who know history.”

    …which none of them do.

    So to start a REAL riot, its the Battle Flag of the Army of Northern Virginia or nothing!

  13. About 21 years ago – Oct 2001 – your President said the muslim attack of 91101 was caused by
    American Christians. The famous(for libs)/infamous(for conservatives) ROP speech.

    Manny folk seem to think GWB was right 21 years ago; AND IS STILL RIGHT TODAY!

    I say KISS MY ASS BUSH! Christians are not bad! ROP ia, and was then, HORSESHIT!

  14. President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neanderthal B Woodman Domestic Violent Extremist SuperStraight JANUARY 19, 2023 AT 12:35 PM

    Be interesting to try an experiment…..all recorded, of course.
    Wear a “Only Jesus Saves” t-shirt into a/the mall.
    Get asked to remove said shirt or leave.
    Leave. Swap t-shirts to an Izzie one “Only The Prophet Saves” (or similar)
    Return to the same mall. Walk by the same Paul Blart Mall Cop. Record reaction.
    B’cast both videos. Name names. Don’t be rude, but don’t be shy either.


    One suggestion to streamline the exercise and ensure the Blarts see it…

    Wear layers of these shirts. Strip off the Jesus shirt and reveal the prophet shirt right in front of them.

    I’m sure we could think of a few more triggering shirts to have under those.

  15. Exactly, AbigailAdams. Great comment! Praise God for the Gospel being shared lightening fast in this digital age.
    Jesus said, “And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me.” The Holy Bible, John 12:32.
    None of God’s creations can outwit God – especially Satan.


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