Tucker Carlson Targets Antifa, Wonders Why the FBI Won’t Do the Same – IOTW Report

Tucker Carlson Targets Antifa, Wonders Why the FBI Won’t Do the Same


Intellectually honest observers have long realized that Antifa, as an organized domestic violence movement in the United States, could not exist if it was not supported directly or with willful blindness by the FBI. Sometimes you just have to accept things as they are, and not as you would wish them to be.

If the FBI did not support Antifa, it would be simple to target their financial mechanisms, fundraising platforms and social media networks that showcase their communications. If the FBI didn’t support Antifa, they would simply target the networks and arrest the participants for domestic terror related activity. It is not that difficult to see the FBI doesn’t do this because the FBI/DOJ support the violence.

During his opening monologue Monday night, Fox News host Tucker Carlson outlines exactly this issue. Continues

9 Comments on Tucker Carlson Targets Antifa, Wonders Why the FBI Won’t Do the Same

  1. ANTIFA did not arise organically, it began as a bunch of Seattle’s most malicious, maladjusted malcontents who were organized and trained by the very entity only the most naïve of head in the sand, incapable of recognizing a pattern, dimwit has any expectation would investigate them.

    If the FBI does anything it will be to “investigate” them.


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