Memphis Shuts Down SCORPION Unit – IOTW Report

Memphis Shuts Down SCORPION Unit


The Memphis Police Department Saturday announced that it has “permanently deactivated” its SCORPION unit, one day after the release of shocking video which showed the violent arrest of Tyre Nichols earlier this month. All five former officers involved in Nichols’ arrest, who have since been charged with second-degree murder in his death, were part of that unit. Continues

12 Comments on Memphis Shuts Down SCORPION Unit

  1. This entire shitshow is a function of the Goddamned progs running off good cops and replacing them with taking anything try could get under the new normal that includes lower hiring standards.

  2. Maybe this time we’ll get the much needed police reform and training that should have happened after George Floyd was killed. Unfortunately, if the race baiters continue to control the narrative, nothing will change.

  3. When the lawyer(s) for Tyre’s family file a Pitchess Motion on all 5 fired cops, they will get a hold of their personnel files and in those files will be complaint after complaint after complaint with each time the Department covering them up because of DIVERSITY. And that affirmative action chief will have to admit,”Yeah, we knew they were dangerous, undisciplined, and out of control but you know, they’re “officers of color” so naturally, we looked the other way”.

    Bad cops like that don’t exist in a vacuum, their beat partners knew it, their watch commanders knew it, and their chief knew it.

    If Memphis wasn’t so big I would recommend the entire department get disbanded and turn the city over to the Sheriff’s Office. At the very least, fire the chief and send every officer there for remedial training.

  4. The police chief in Memphis was the head of Atlanta’s infamous “Red Dog Squad” before she was fired. The Red Dog Squad was very similar in nature to the Memphis SCORPION unit in that they were an “independent” unit that worked on its own and regularly committed worse crimes than the people they were supposed to investigate.

    The Red Dog Squad got a false, no-knock warrant on a 92 year old woman’s house and then murdered her after breaking her door down. Her name was Kathryn Johnston and there are many articles available about her murder an the trial of the cops that killed her. They supposedly had an informant that claimed he had bought marijuana at the old lady’s house. The cops were forced to admit later during trial that they had planted marijuana in the old woman’s house in an attempt to cover up their crimes of lying to a judge to get a warrant and murder.

    So it sounds like the Memphis police chief just brought the Red Dog concept from Atlanta and it ended up the same way as creating a gang of thugs hiding behind badges to terrorize the public.

  5. The sad thing is that outfits like SCORPION or New York’s Advanced Street Crimes Unit can be instrumental in clearing the very worst criminals off the street. And that is why the pro-Criminal elements are so keen to shut them down.

  6. The purpose of the SCORPION unit was to go out and vigorously tune up street criminals. Having an identified unit to do this necessary work keeps officer friendly out of the action better maintaining community relations. Such units are standard, even in smaller jurisdictions. Constant, attentive supervision is absolutely required, because guys who enjoy busting skulls… enjoy busting skulls, regardless of the color of their clothes or Union rules.

    Most policing is social workers with guns and most police don’t enjoy busting people up. The hard street criminals don’t respond well to please and thank you, see George Floyd, so you need units that ‘speak the language’. If supervision is careless they can get out of control just the same as the street thugs do.


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