Kitties In Training – IOTW Report

Kitties In Training

Click VIEW to watch. There’s nothing ‘sensitive’ about it.

Go to Twitter HERE to view video. You don’t need an account unless they changed it in the last two days.

19 Comments on Kitties In Training

  1. Oh the humanity!

    I can’t see it because I’m not on Twitter I guess.

    I’ll post the link (give me a minute) so you can go directly to Twitter. You do NOT need an account to view it. … Unless they made a change in the last two days! – Claudia

  2. Yeah, I recently got a Youtube account and the process made me feel a little skuzzey. But that’s it! I draw the line there. No Twitter, Instagram, Tik Tok, etc. Oh, crap, that’s right – I did get a Spotify account. But holy socks, is it ever GREAT!!

  3. Nope. Denied viewing unless I sign up. The world is cruel. I like cats.

    Well, crap.
    Poor Elon Musk. He didn’t realize how insidious the programming was when he bought it. He said they have to write all new code, scrap the old code and cross their fingers. – Claudia

  4. @ Different Tim

    I’m truly confused when people say this.

    I have never had an account and I see these videos at will.

    Bet you a dollar you can too. No account needed.

    Just click it and hit “view” if that is what you see.

  5. Nope! And there’s a black van with tinted windows been sitting out front all day with cigarette butts on the ground outside the window.
    Didn’t recognize the mailman today either.

  6. Funny! Cats are cool. Sad times in the house of Dr. Hambone though. Our newest Maine Coon kitten has epilepsy and is having more seizures every week. He had two today. Not looking good. Very sweet and gentle kitty.


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