FEMA Suddenly Rushing to the Aid of East Palestine – IOTW Report

FEMA Suddenly Rushing to the Aid of East Palestine


The announcement by President Trump with his intent to visit East Palestine next Wednesday, followed moments later by a reversal announcement from FEMA stating they will now offer support to East Palestine, do not seem coincidental.

The Biden administration, including the EPA, FEMA and Transporation Secretary, was likely very worried about the optics of getting blasted by President Trump very visibly next week for their lack of urgency and concern.   Moments after Trump announces his visit, FEMA reverses their prior denial of aid. lol More

“WE GOT THEM TO MOVE”; Trump Sounds Off After Biden Finally Takes Action In Ohio After He Announced Visit.

12 Comments on FEMA Suddenly Rushing to the Aid of East Palestine

  1. For working or retired Americans Don is clearly the best national politician in 35 years! Just the lates example of Don helping Americans.

    I give lots of credit to the “Hillbilly”!

    But I voted for a “Hillbilly” for Cal Gov in ’66. Voted for that “hillbilly” many times gain! He clearly was a President for working Americans!

  2. Typical Democratz acting like 6 year olds insanely jealous that attention might be on Trump instead of getting their priorities straight and serving the American people…. and Trump knows how to play them like a ciolin!

  3. I thought the mantra on the left was to “never let a crisis go to waste” and yet that’s all they’ve managed to do for three weeks. Between the spy balloon and the rail disaster they have dithered and wrong footed themselves the whole time.

    Tell you what, I’m losing my trust in government (sarc).

  4. Is Trump going there for a photo op, or is he going there to bring financial aid? Biden already said no federal aid, not so sure what FEMA can do other than give the people bottled water. That whole area will be a dead zone for years. Once dioxins enter the body, they last a long time because of their chemical stability and their ability to be absorbed by fat tissue, where they are then stored in the body. Their half-life in the body is estimated to be 7 to 11 years. In the environment, dioxins tend to accumulate in the food chain. The higher an animal is in the food chain, the higher the concentration of dioxins.

  5. Tucker Carlson seems to think there’s an awful lot of sabotage happening on our rail (and other) systems and I tend to agree. And with Biden and the Democrats in charge the likelihood of a credible investigation is negligible – coverup is much more likely.

  6. Well which way is it?? Are the eligible for help or are they not?? Who’s telling BS news. Strange we can help Ukraine with billions of US dollars but can’t lift a hand for Americans. Nice that these taxpayers and their grandkids are/will be helping to send US dollars to unknowns in another country, but can’t get a dime from Washington. Be sure to thank a democrat. It’s past time!!

  7. Just a question/observation. There were some anti-Trump comments from an anonymous poster earlier that aren’t here now. Was it a bot and therefore removed?

    Just curious.

    Spammer. They drop ads and then drop turds.

  8. Democrats are disgusting filth. They just sent a billion dollars to Ukraine to fund their “government retirement fund” (Yah… Riiight.), but they tried to slime out of sending a dime to flyover country USA because democrats are evil, rotten, corrupt pieces of shit.


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