I Disagree With Charlie Kirk – IOTW Report

I Disagree With Charlie Kirk

This is not a problem exclusive to Christians.

16 Comments on I Disagree With Charlie Kirk

  1. It’s not just exclusive to faggots, either.
    Remember smoking?
    One for the road?
    Welfare? “We want to relieve want, not to supply indolence.”
    Abortion? Safe, rare, and something I don’t recall.
    Medicine? Universal and inexpensive.
    Immigration? To do the jobs Americans won’t do.

    Same old shit, all over again – and we NEVER learn.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. A good friend of mine has an adult daughter who recently decided she was bi-sexual. Her daughter wants her to accept that and basically condone it. She still loves her daughter but will never accept or condone it. Love the sinner, hate the sin.

  3. In ’95 we said they would continually push for more.
    Now the homosexual lobby has become the Skittles Mafia.

    I have relatives and acquaintances who have decided to be homosexual. I live them but will not accept their lifestyle as anything but a lie and trap of Satan.

    I don’t mean to sound vulgar but the men are just sticking it in another orifice and the women aren’t doing anything to each other a man can’t.
    The lifestyle is a lie.

  4. Barry mandated that queers must be in TV ads. It is an abomination to God and abhorrent to me to see two men kissing or two women purporting to be married.

    Romans chapter 1 says that not only are these reprobates deserving of #death, but those who condone such practices are too.

    #death i.e. the second death. (Revelation 20:14)

  5. For 7 thousand years, the better men on this planet have realized that a loving Creator has given each of us Free Will to determine how we live our lives.
    But at the end of that life, He will judge the worthiness of our endeavors.

    Be good, be stupid, waste your life, make excuses the whole way through it….. it’s on you.

  6. Look what the gay faction did to the Boy Scouts.
    Gays weren’t allowed to be den leaders.
    Gays sued for discrimination and won, forcing the Boy Scouts to accept gays as den leaders.
    Hundreds of Boy Scouts are molested by gay den leaders.
    Molested boys sue the Boy Scouts, and win, putting the Boy Scouts I guess out of business.

  7. The requirement to hire homosexuals into the Boy Scouts, the acceptance of homosexual marriage leading to child adoption and now drag shows in kindergarten/elementary school has resulted in abominations most vile and most homosexuals are horrified at how these changes have destroyed a previous view that homosexuality is an human condition that should be tolerated but within a morale framework. Democrats, Nazi Leftists, have obliterated morality in their hatred of civilization and reality so now the moral man is witnessing evil first hand. The Black population is experiencing the same backlash as the Left applauds Sharpton , the BLM and reparations….the Evil is Sociopathic white Leftists..

  8. The temporal power behind the entire queer agenda is and always has been the pedophiles. Male homosexuals have always been pedo-adjacent (see ‘chickenhawk’) The best time to queer a boy is before age fourteen, after that they’ve mostly made up their own mind. I would imagine it is the same among female homosexuals. Recent studies suggest there are two to three times as many minor attracted persons, pedophiles, in the population as vanilla homosexuals. Clearly, the perversions are adjacent and although the vanilla homosexual’s deranged desires are now deemed ‘normal’ the pedophile’s lusts are still beyond the pale. The evident purpose of the current push to sexualize all children is to normalize pedophilia.

    Kirk’s images illustrate the progress of the movement toward the universalization of sexual perversion which ineluctably leads to adults queering your children with complete impunity. The original goal.


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