Whoopsie– Lady Taps on Museum Sculpture… Doesn’t Go Well – IOTW Report

Whoopsie– Lady Taps on Museum Sculpture… Doesn’t Go Well


A visitor to an art show in Miami has learned an important lesson about Jeff Koons’ famous balloon-dog pieces: They’re not real balloons. In fact, they’re made of glass and thus fragile. As the Miami Herald reports, a woman tapped on a shiny blue dog atop a pedestal at Art Wynwood, causing it to fall to the ground and shatter—a $42,000 accident. “Before I knew it, they were picking up the Jeff Koons pieces in a dustpan with a broom,” says Stephen Gamson, who witnessed the incident and spoke to the New York Times. Gamson’s guess is that the woman tapped on the piece to see if it was actually a balloon.


22 Comments on Whoopsie– Lady Taps on Museum Sculpture… Doesn’t Go Well

  1. 9/11/29 plus court costs for the trial plus total money used to incarcerate her plus $42,000 for the sculpture with a clause that filing bankruptcy will not reduce any of the financial obligations ought to be about right for this bint.

  2. Apparently the gallery’s insurance will cover it, but I bet she’s on the ‘list’ and will never be allowed in there again.

    On another note, the artist offered to purchase the sweepings for whatever reason. Apparently he has enough money to blow on shattered glass – or, he’ll make another piece out of the pieces.

    Anyway, the good art has long since been created. Too bad they don’t throw the crapheads who desecrate the classics in prison for life.

  3. I see that kind of behavior a lot a car shows.
    Some people do not understand hands off other peoples property.
    If I want a closer look at a vehicle that catches my eye I’ll look around the area for the owner. Strike up a conversation and they will almost always give you a tour. They’re flattered that you’re interested.

  4. Ha! I’d like to see his high-faaluenten (yeah I know it isn’t a word), art be on display on a Carnival cruise ship. First gang-banger chimp out on board near that gallery, will have his art work destroyed just like that. They’ve been known to do millions in damages. As for the woman, well, she’d be the one to tell her kid to keep their hands off all the while she’s destroying $45,000 in art.

  5. Generally speaking, most people grow out of the mentality to have to touch things by the time they’re 6 or 7 years old… if they had responsible parents that actually taught the meaning of the word NO.
    This woman sounds like a nuther immature Liberal.

  6. See, that’s why I don’t like to go to museums. I’m a tactile person; need to touch to ‘see’ it. Can you see me going up to the Mona Lisa to touch the brush strokes? Yeah, me either. But, BOY, am I tempted! Heheh

  7. Lovely to look at, delightful to hold. But if you break it, it’s sold.

    Those were the rules I was taught. My mother meant it and absolutely insisted that the owner of anything her kids broke be compensated. I can assure you that in the end the responsible party paid a stiff enough that price they wouldn’t keep their damn hands off what doesn’t belong to them in the future.

  8. It’s not a real balloon and it’s not real art. Jeff Koon, puhleaze.

    And it’s not really worth $42,000.00 but the insurance will pay that. Good move. Is the touchy-feely gallery goer related to the artist or the gallery? Just asking…

  9. On the upside, it wasn’t really art. It was just the usual shit that passes for “art” these days in our society dominated by demonic morons who hate all things beautiful.

  10. I was in Arches National Park and found a huge boulder that some kids had defaced by placing their hands on it and spray painted around them. I was so pissed, I took a wire brush and scraped all the paint off. I can’t stand graffiti and won’t tolerate it.


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