Former San Francisco DA Candidate Says It’s No Big Deal If Your Stuff Is Stolen – IOTW Report

Former San Francisco DA Candidate Says It’s No Big Deal If Your Stuff Is Stolen

TownHall: John Hamasaki, a radical progressive candidate who ran for San Francisco district attorney, downplayed the experience of recent victims of a robbery that took place in the city, where over $10,000 worth in equipment and passports were stolen out of a car.

Investor Snehal Antani revealed the member of his team was traumatized by the event and they will have to conduct safety briefs before someone goes to San Francisco. Smash and grabs have become an epidemic in the city, with some residents leaving trunks and windows open to show would-be robbers there is nothing to steal.

Hamasaki demeaned the victim’s experience by stating, “Is this what the suburbs do to you? Shelter you from basic city life experiences so that when they happen you are broken to the core?” more here

17 Comments on Former San Francisco DA Candidate Says It’s No Big Deal If Your Stuff Is Stolen

  1. So from what I read, his reason to downplay the significance of theft, was to distract from negativity that might affect tourism. I guess businesses that have merchandise that tourists might now be inclined to steal instead of pay for, would find it to be no big deal, as long as no violence ensued.

  2. This is the type of asshole that I would give anything to see get robbed and pistol-whipped just for him to get a taste of reality. Unfortunately, it rarely ever happens.

  3. On the one hand, it is overly sensitive to be traumatized by having $10k of your stuff stolen and your car smashed.

    On the other hand, it is traumatizing if a conservative speaker will be on your campus.


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