Flight Attendant Famous for Transitioning Makes His Final Departure – IOTW Report

Flight Attendant Famous for Transitioning Makes His Final Departure

Fox 11 Los Angeles

A transgender flight attendant died after an apparent suicide at 25 years old. 

Kayleigh Scott was found dead in her Denver home Monday. She [He] gained notoriety after appearing in a United company video for “Transgender Day of Visibility,” the New York Post reported.

Scott shared an emotional Instagram post on her page before her passing. 

“As I take my final breaths and exit this living earth, I would like to apologize to everyone I let down. I am so sorry I could not be better,” she wrote. “To those that I love, I am sorry I could not be stronger. To those that gave me their everything, I am sorry my effort was not reciprocated.” 

“Please understand that me leaving is not a reflection of you, but the result of my own inability to turn myself for the better.”


30 Comments on Flight Attendant Famous for Transitioning Makes His Final Departure

  1. He/she was “depressed “. No kidding. You mean after all the “professionals” told him that sexual reassignment surgery would cure what ailed him, it turns out that it didn’t. What a waste.

  2. It didn’t help to have foolish parents. And it didn’t help to not be foolish in your own right. And it didn’t help that he/she/it turned on the television, or the fucking interwebs.

    I graduated in 1994. And there were no fags, transvestites, or any of that other bullshit. I’m sure there was a fag, or two, but it’s endemic now.

  3. He died craving more attention because he wanted to be a woman and was insane and others encouraged his insanity…..I blame United Airlines, and the seat belt demo, and pointing to the emergency doors, and the oxygen masks falling from above your head. Who can forget having carry-on luggage stored above you which might kill you, and what if the seat cushions really weren’t floatation devices in case of a water landing…..He said all of these things while not being completely honest with himself….and insane…

  4. Being “gay” is spiritual corruption in itself. Taking the next step to mutilating your body in an attempt to be the opposite sex will seal the deal for total destruction. Being trans makes the desperation for attention and compulsive perversion worse.

    To many mentally ill people are deceived by believing they should dive deep into their psychosis to find themselves. All they find is a black, empty, deadly void. All the accolades in the world cant fix the pain. Sadly, they don’t trust God’s Love for their rescue. He’s the only hope for these sick people.

  5. I’m sure going through the seat belt buckle demo didn’t help. Born as one part of the buckle, trying to be the other part of the buckle, and being constantly reminded of which part you are despite your best and unsuccessful efforts was too much.

  6. May God have mercy on his soul.
    He was a sick, confused, homosexual who didn’t get the help he so desperately needed – instead he got sanctimonious lies and Satanic suggestions – and in the end, killed the only thing he loved and obsessed over – himself.

    Sad ending to a mentally-ill life.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  7. The people who pushed him to transition won’t shed a tear over him taking his own life. For those Malthusian nihilists the end result is the same: fewer mouths to feed.

  8. There was no repentance, only sorry that he did not feel like a woman because he never knew what a woman feels like…vice versa. If he would have said “I have asked God to forgive me for my actions,” I could garner some sympathy. There was no remorse, his charade is over. 20% of people like him off themselves. He’s just a statistic soon forgotten.

  9. Nobody gives a shit. Those who were exploiting the pathetic thing give even less of a shit. The ones who will be on social media shedding crocodile tears over its demise give even less of a shit than them.

  10. ” …my own inability to turn myself for the better.”

    Only God can do that for you, through His Son and the Holy Spirit, but you have to surrender yourself to him and ASK for Him to take control.


  11. @Thirdtwin:

    …the four forces of flight will always be thrust, lift, weight and drag.

    Of particular importance in this case, parasitic drag.

    Come to think of it, induced drag is in play here, too.


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