This Bus Fire is Insane – IOTW Report

This Bus Fire is Insane

The Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) tank of a bus caught fire in Perugia, Italy, causing an unnerving scene. According to eyewitness accounts, the bus was empty when the fire broke out, the passengers all had evacuated.

While the flames shooting from the bus’ CNG system appear like something out of a nightmare, this is precisely the outcome that the bus’ designers had hoped for.

In actuality, the CNG system would detect the fire and promptly open a series of valves to let the gas out in a “managed fashion.” Because of this, the gas may be discharged without going off in an explosion. The bus, along with anybody who happened to be standing nearby, would have been scattered over the hill if this crucial safety mechanism hadn’t been in place.

28 Comments on This Bus Fire is Insane

  1. SNS
    I’m old enough to remember when I was a little kid Greyhounds were 6 bangers gas powered and they were slow. Diesel rocks because it works long and hard.

  2. It looks like some kind of military vehicle with a flame thrower on a roof turret.
    Imagine if that occurred in one of those narrow streets in some Italian city or village. It would have burned down two complete city blocks – one on each side.

  3. (In actuality, the CNG system would detect the fire and promptly open a series of valves to let the gas out in a β€œmanaged fashion.” Because of this, the gas may be discharged without going off in an explosion.)

    This is BS. The tank may burst by becoming over pressured because of the fire but the gas in the tank can’t explode because of the lack of oxygen. The only way to introduce oxygen into the tank is to pump it in at a higher pressure than what is already present in the tank which would have to be done deliberately. Venting the tank to the air can easily produce a fuel-air mixture that only needs a spark.

  4. It must be the Saturn V model of moon bus. Can’t wait for the EV version to steal the scene. Imagine trapped in a tunnel with that thing.


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