Pot Going Bust on Left Coast Leads to Call for Interstate Trade – IOTW Report

Pot Going Bust on Left Coast Leads to Call for Interstate Trade


Along the West Coast, producers face what many call the failed economics of legal pot. There is vast supply, thanks to great growing conditions and a wealth of expertise, but any surplus remains trapped within each state’s borders due to the federal ban on marijuana. Prices have plunged and producers have struggled.

“I’m at rock bottom,” said Jeremy Moberg, who owns CannaSol Farms in Washington and, like many growers, complains that the state’s 37% cannabis tax leaves virtually no profit margin.

No one expects Congress to help out by legalizing the drug nationwide. Instead, some are pinning their hopes, however faint, on President Joe Biden’s administration approving marijuana trade among states that have regulated it. More

29 Comments on Pot Going Bust on Left Coast Leads to Call for Interstate Trade

  1. Nope
    Cannabis is doing just fine
    It’s the Bankers that are not Happy

    Cannabis has been here forever
    The Canna-Haters will Hate

    Plastic Money Grubbing Banksturds have Psy-Op’d your money grubbing ways since 1930 which is around when Oil Leftovers found Gold in stuff called plastic. Like Plastic Rope Sellers that will sell the Plastic Rope that will be used to hang themselves with.

    Red if we are Lucky

    Gnome Saying

  2. Years ago, Washington State raised the tax on cigarettes astronomically. People then started going to Idaho, Oregon, and Indian Reservations. The state actually made LESS tax revenue than they did before the taxes were raised They were totally surprised.

    Watch for this: a young entrepreneur of a certain skin tone will sell his hemp product bypassing the legal highly-taxed route. Police will try to arrest him. He will resist. He will die of a heart attack. The police will then be the racist bad guy for this guy’s death because he was just trying to make money to take care of his poor sick mama when the big bad police came in and tried to enforce the law that the protesters cheered about when the law was made.

  3. People that Hate Cannabis came in a few choice select flavors
    The Most Common is the Paranoid Insecure Hater
    They tried it and Their Self was revealed to them
    They are Cowards
    No matter how Successful They Look
    If They can’t handle it, nobody can

    Gnome Sayin

    Also, It’s the Taxes and Fees and Money Grubbing Liens that cause most businesses to fail. Especially when it is a Good Product.

  4. The Other Flavours of Canno Haters are the Alter-a-tors
    They Hate
    With an alternative agenda
    Any excuse is a Good One in their Fight
    They think They are the Right
    And Haters are Crafty with their Hate
    They direct Hate to where it suits their Banksturd Needs

    Also a Gnome Saying

  5. I call BS. Who really hates the weed industry here are the wineries and breweries. The younger generation love pot. Even the Indians are in on the sale. They have a weed dispensary on their reservation and open to the public. New dispensaries opening up every where here. Up north from here there’s even a town called Weed, with dispensaries. Town nearly burned down a couple of years ago.

  6. Right now in California, without too much effort, high quality marijuana can be bought, off market* for
    ~$5-600/lb. Way under the prices at the state regulated dispensaries.

  7. Dealt with Hippie Pot growers for most of my life before escaping to Texas. These people are not “normal”. They’re not you’re average “stoner”, but nor are they even slightly respectable business people… Kali’s mistake is thinking they’d settle down and pay 40%+ in taxes. Sorry, no… They were full on outlaws a few years ago, and they’ve been given no reason to change.


  8. Agricultural products are subject to some immutable natural laws. Weed is consumed in quantity by whom? People in what economic quintiles consume the most Mari-j?

    Boutique or production? Expectations based on pricing while illegal by both state and people in the business kind of surprised me, both have the mental horsepower to do better.

  9. Why would you walk into a store… a store with cameras… and buy weed with a credit card… when you can just get the same shit from Eddie (friend) for half the price? And you know Eddie (friend). You have been dealing with Eddie (friend) for 25 years. And Eddie (friend) KNOWS if he pisses you off it’s bad news for Eddie (friend).

  10. “ Prices have plunged and producers have struggled.”
    Too fuckin’ bad. Next thing will be government subsidies to the poor pot growers. And anyone who thinks the law is stopping interstate sales, has been smoking too much weed. Oregon produces enough weed in a year to keep every man, woman, and child in the state high for 10 years. Where do they think it is all going? Got to keep the kids stupid and lazy so they’ll keep voting for dems.

  11. Need Proofs?
    Speedy has the Ingraham Angle
    Just Looked
    The Whole Anxiety Ridden NOVA Drama Queen Bit Started at 10:33 PM EASTERN NEW YORK TIME with Banker Talk over Batteries
    Pirate Bays came after words
    That is what we call Proof
    There can be only One
    Not It

  12. Pot should never have been legalized by any state, decriminalized maybe. All it did was create a nation of stoners who are too stupid to know or don’t care about its negative effects on the brain and cognition. And the gubmint saying it’s OK doesn’t help either, all that does is make more stoners who are easily subject to gubmint control. SOMA anyone.

  13. If there’s a surplus the price is too high.
    And (I assume) the outlaws don’t have to charge the 37% tax.

    CA gov’t is dysfunctional.

    Reminded of the old joke about the kid selling apples for $10,000.00 per apple.
    A man stopped and said the price was kinda high.
    The kid responded that he only had to sell one.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  14. My neighbor is a pot head.
    He was shocked to find out his dealer was buying legal at pot shop and selling to him at inflated prices.
    Told him stoned people do stupid things. (He thinks I was talking about the dealer)

  15. Got a bunch of packages stuffed in my mail box out by the road in early March, and tore into opening all of them and opened a up a package for a neighbor up the road by mistake. Clearly marked inside was a marijuana packet of seeds for someone here in upstate NY. Next thing it will be growing to replace the cow corn in the fields. So the US post-office will help to lower the price for America.

  16. @ geoff the aardvark AT 4:00 AM

    My octogenarian very successful rancher friend, God rest his soul, said the stupidest thing he ever did was vote to legalize pot. He believed the hype. That was part of our last conversation and he said he regrets that more than anything.

    “everyone” even his pastor was on the legalize page. He died about four years ago and said he witnessed what it wrought in rural central Washington. He thought that he noticed an immediate and escalating decline.

    He said, How could I have been so naïve? I told him, I don’t know, it was apparent to me what this would yield.

  17. JDHasty: Same thing happened in Southern Oregon. First it was legalize “medicinal marijuana “, then “recreational marijuana “ a few years later. The line they sold to voters was “it will eliminate property crimes”. Instead, crime increased, including cartels moving in. Slackers, dopers and homeless moved in, and the whole area from the California border to Roseburg stinks 6 months of the year. It’s the primary reason I moved out. Now the greedy assholes who thought they were going to get rich growing weed have flooded the market and can’t make a profit. Boo fucking Hoo.

  18. I would’ve never believed when I quit smoking dope in 1975 that marijuana would’ve ever become legalized in my lifetime. I was wrong and now it’s everywhere or almost everywhere and that’s not a good thing. And now some states like Oregon, California etc. want to legalize hallucinogenics, hard drugs and other drugs as well into society. This will not end well.


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