Raptor Education Group Inc. (REGI) says that a Loon Fallout is taking place in Northern Wisconsin.
According to REGI, a Loon Fallout occurs when atmospheric conditions are such that the migrating loons develop ice on their body as they fly at high altitudes and crash land when they are no longer able to fly due to the weight of the ice on their body or the interference with their flight ability. REGI adds that the current ice/rain and unstable air currents are a perfect set-up for this phenomenon to occur. More
SULLY’S REVENGE! Even though they’re NOT Geese. Too bad Loons don’t come with de-icing boots!
This is serious. They’re going to need a Loony bin.
*Ba da cràsh!*
And it’s still snowing in this part of the country. The lakes these birds need to fly off from are still frozen over. Heck the robins have to listen for their wormy meal through 2 inches of fresh snow and I haven’t heard a peep out of the spring peepers for more than a week now.
Prince probably said it best, “Sometimes in Snows in April.”
I recently saw a bunch of crows… it was definitely murder
Why do they call a flock of crows a murder of crows?
^ because they murder your cracked corn and they don’t care.
Because they are scavengers and have been known to gather on battlefields for fine dining, is what I have heard.
I didn’t know that all the crows were named Jimmy.
I have seen crow murders that string through the sky like starlings. Hundreds of them flying from their roost site at dawn to scatter throughout the countryside terrorizing everything they can.
What do you call two crows? Attempted murder.
Cue the video of Alfred Hitchcock’s movie The Birds.
Or the classic Nissan TV commercial with the dirty birds. Bombs away! Or all the shuckin’ and jivin’ black crows from Dumbo which is probably banned by Disney now just like Song of the South.
Auburn NY had a real problem with crows starting back in the 90s, Natural Geographic even did a show on it. Up to 60 or 70 thousand crows started wintering there every year. The poop became a real problem. Townspeople started carrying umbrellas whether it was raining or not. The car washes made out like bandits.
Most of the loons in WI are in Madison.
The most beautiful sound in the entire world, is the call of a loon. It is long, lonely, and pitch perfect. So beautiful