War on Beauty – Cheerleaders Aren’t What They Used to Be – IOTW Report

War on Beauty – Cheerleaders Aren’t What They Used to Be

Ht/ Cynic

Seems like it’s “first and TON, from the 300 pound yard line.”

57 Comments on War on Beauty – Cheerleaders Aren’t What They Used to Be

  1. I showed that video to my husband. He looked at it with horror 🤢 and asked, “Where IS that?!” I told him, “Fur posted it.”. He answered, “Of course he did.”. 😂 Poor man; it was mean of me to show him at 0630 hrs while he’s trying to enjoy his coffee.

  2. The standards of beauty haven’t really changed. They are just trying to convince us that they have. And that a man can be a beautiful woman. Good luck with that – you can push the idea but nobody is buying it.
    That said, different cultures have different beauty standards. And I have seen first-hand certain cultures’ obsession with ‘baby got back’. 🙂

  3. We built this cheer line …
    We built this cheer line on Rocky Road
    Built this cheer line
    We built this cheer line on
    Rocky Road .. WHOAH!!!


    Spumoni built the ass spread
    Assisted by some oleol
    You best believe it now
    We built this cheer line
    We built this cheer line
    On Rocky ROAD .. HO!

  4. When I was growing up the cheat squad was comprised of girls who represented a commitment to academic excellence, poise, charm and physical fitness. They represented the school at almost all civic and sporting events. Some were fairly plain looking, but their overall demeanor made them attractive and enjoyable to be around.

    These days, it isn’t just that they are fat and ugly, they are uncoordinated beasts that wallow around on the field making a mockery of what it means to strive for excellence. They are unaccomplished, no self esteem, self hating, nasty, and verbally abusive creatures who wouldn’t know what it means to put effort into anything other than being in lock step with the current thing.

    It’s no different than destroying classical architecture, art and monuments and replacing it with fucking garbage that is either utilitarian or meant to offend the senses.

  5. big deposit required on the forklifts the “husbands” will use to get them over the threshold. maybe paint yourselves grey, try to hook up with something at the zoo.

  6. The left destroys everything it touches and especially institutions it gets its hooks into. That is universal and absolute. They are to be despised and shunned. If they decamp from some shithole they have destroyed, like Seattle or Portland, and move to your rural town, don’t make them feel welcome. Shun them, do not make them feel welcome, and at all costs do not let them take over the school board.

    They are rotten, nasty, avaricious, destructive beasts best avoided.

  7. My thought … if they do this for 1/2 day, they might start to lose weight, feel better and want to keep the lard off!

    At least if they keep from eating 23.5 hours for the rest of the day!

  8. Late 3rd Quarter, running back goes 92 yards for touchdown.

    RB – “I need oxygen. Where are the masks?”

    Asst. Coach – Fat ass cheer line took all of them at half-time.

    Side note – Dammit Lennie…have had “Built This City” stuck in my head for over two hours. I hate that song! Thanks jerk…LOL I kid, I kid. Lyrics gave me a good chuckle though.

  9. Ted Nougat AT 12:15 PM
    “The appeal is to a specific SEISmographic.”

    There. Fixed it for ya.

  10. Ho-Leee Shit!
    I didn’t know that hippos could gyrate like that.

  11. In related news 10,000 spectators died when the stadium seating collapsed in a epic earthquake. The Chief of Emergency Management stated many more will killed in a subsequent stampede of massive water buffaloes…

  12. Big-bop baby
    Big-bop baby
    Big-bop baby
    She’s ain’t the cow for me


    She got plenty of flab, takes up plenty of space
    And when we dance she really slams my face
    My love for her ain’t tender or sweet
    My head starts achin’ ev’ry time we meet

    Big-bop baby, still in her teens
    Just as fat as she can be
    Big-bop baby in her huge blue jeans
    She’s ain’t the cow for me
    Nope, she ain’t the cow for me


  13. @CJ

    The sheer awfulness of the song is what makes it a great song to parody

    Just to keep that good Starship vibe going, lets target Lizzo

    We built this Lizzo
    We built this Lizzo on Rocky Road
    Built this Lizzo
    We built this Lizzo on Rocky Road


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