NYC Subway Protector Charged with Man Slaughter – IOTW Report

NYC Subway Protector Charged with Man Slaughter


Daniel Penny is expected to turn himself in as soon as Friday to face criminal charges in connection with the chokehold death of Jordan Neely aboard an F train, according to the Manhattan district attorney’s office.

“We can confirm that Daniel Penny will be arrested on a charge of Manslaughter in the Second Degree,” a spokesperson for Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg said. “We cannot provide any additional information until he has been arraigned in Manhattan Criminal Court, which we expect to take place tomorrow.” More

23 Comments on NYC Subway Protector Charged with Man Slaughter

  1. fuck NYC, fuck NYC , fuck NYC. I’m sorry to say but they should of sunk nyc back into the Atlantic on 9-11. worthless shit hole of a supposed city.

  2. According to… NY does not have an “involuntary manslaughter,” (accident) but does have vehicular manslaughter. This charge requires recleas behaviour.

    Seems there was no “reckless” aspect to this, so typlical dindu-enabler DA over-charging the honest guy. But as long as we’re talking enabers, should they also be charging the people who also held down the psycho? How about his family members that left him on the street? And the legalsyatem that kept him on the street?

  3. The stone cold natural fact is the stiff was on the street operating as a proxy for the powers that be. He was there, as all of these “homeless” are, standing in for the self identified elites to demonstrate the contempt they have for the citizenry at large. They consider him kicking the guy’s bucket to be an attack on them.

  4. @Sippin’ Coffee

    “Seems there was no “reckless” aspect to this”

    I’m guessing that they will attempt to satisfy the “reckless” element by the amount of time the chokehold was applied even after the shitbag stopped struggling.

    Here is their case; Restraining Neely, even with a chokehold=reasonable. Continuing to chock Neely several minutes after he went limp=unreasonable and reckless.

    Unlike Kyle, who each time acted once and only for a brief second to defend himself, the chokehold was applied and maintained for an extended duration and was left applied when not necessary. That will be the D.A.’s argument, anyway.

  5. The county sheriff was patrolling our subdivision last week after a small tornado had passed over. I flagged him down to get whatever information he had. Before he left, he said that he hoped I carried at all times because things were only going to get worse and law enforcement couldn’t go it alone when protecting citizens. I assured him that I understood and that I was prepared.

  6. NY’ers ain’t seen nothing yet….

    NYC is still a sanctuary city….

    Wait until they run out of money andall the social welfare gets cut off from their illegal invaders….

    If you’re cold hungry and you think your children are endangered….what would you do….????

    It’s going to get down right….post apocalyptic….
    I hope I’m wrong….but fear I’m right.

  7. A choke hold properly applied can incapacitate as little as 3-4 seconds! However, it may take up to 10-15 seconds for your opponent to pass out. It appeared the choke hold was held far beyond 15 seconds.
    When this story first hit, I knew their would be charges against Daniel Penny. Everybody knows Marines are natural born Killers ~s~ and NYC allows thousands of dangerous, mentally ill, homeless people who have a history of multiple assaults and drug abuse to roam the streets.
    NYC is a shithole.
    Now we know why people stand around with their I-Phones instead of helping their fellow man or woman when they are attacked.
    Personally, I would prefer vigilantes, within the law, roaming the streets of our Major Shithole Democrat Cities over crazed drug addicts and dangerous mentally ill homeless people who are repeatedly jailed and then released.

  8. If I were on the jury and found no attempt was made at resuscitation or contacting someone to get instructions on resuscitation, I would vote to convict.

    Choking the guy out may have been necessary.

    But letting him die once the threat is ended and its in your power to prevent it is not.

    Even police officers are expected to treat people once they shoot them and the threat is ended.

    No, the bad guy wouldn’t help YOU, but if you have Jewish or Christian beliefs you are held to a higher standard.

    Don’t get mad at me for saying so, take it up with God.

    Either all life is sacred…or none is.

    If you belive it is, you have a duty to God to preserve it.

    Maybe he did try, I don’t know. If there were evidence he did, I would not convict. You can’t win them all, and stopping violence sometimes results in death.

    But to me, he should have at least tried. The manslaughter isn’t in the choke then from my point of view, but what came after would be the determinative.

    But everything is situational and I wasn’t there.

    Just my 2 cents on what little they’ve shared and my own, probably unpopular, take on life and death. YMMV.

  9. I think is very obvious for any would-be hero to run the other way. You cannot win against a crazed din-du. The only way he stops is when he is dead. And YOU lose. Pure no-win.

  10. The full video shows he treated him after the choke hold. Told people to lay him on his side instead of on his back. One guy who helped even said “you’re going to be alright” when he saw him breathing.
    This is why people look the other way when shit goes down. Don’t get involved.

  11. I recommend dropping the “choke hold” narrative. Was it a Law Enforcement or martial arts, or military chokehold, or just some guy with his arm trapping the guys neck as in a bar fight All the “expert” discussion above presupposes the Marine was someone trained in hand-to-hand combat and should “know better.” That is a To-Be-Determined bit if information.

  12. @Mr_Pinko
    AT 3:12 PM
    “The full video shows he treated him after the choke hold. ”

    …that’s what I’m talking about. Were I a juror and saw he made an attempt, I would no longer entertain manslaughter at that point, so no conviction.

    Probably why its hard to find the video. To taint the jury pool early.

  13. That was pretty close to a rear naked. AKA a sleeper hold. If you ask any MMA guys they will tell you it’s a submission hold. I’m thinking that’s not good for the prosecution.

  14. Bernhard Goetz is probably still in jail for defending himself from negro muggers in the NYC subway system – and that was some 30 years ago.

    Any whites who are still in that cesspool are fools.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  15. There is a video that shows the perp was moving on his own after the “sleeperhold” was released. The perp did not die as a direct result of the “sleeperhold”. The perp died at the hospital. In the times we are living I would not be surprised if someone at the hospital, or on the way there, “helped” the perp obtain room temperature.

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