Anyone Who Cannot See How Wrong This is Is Lost – IOTW Report

Anyone Who Cannot See How Wrong This is Is Lost

27 Comments on Anyone Who Cannot See How Wrong This is Is Lost

  1. To me, these ‘freaks’ are pushing a ‘spring-board’ to the total collapse of America.

    Brought to you by Obutthole, the Clintons’ and George Soros.

  2. I’ve spent time in Melbourne and everyone I met was nothing like this.
    It just shows that crazy is a worldwide phenomenon.
    That said, I doubt you’ll see this shit in North Korea, Iran, Yemen, or Saudi Arabia.

  3. It must’ve been Sodom and Gomorrah night as well as Baal worship night at this Australian bar. Where’s the fire and brimstone when you need it the most? This is far worse than anything that I ever saw in Olongapo City in the Philippines which was also an open gateway into Hell.

  4. I saw some funky shit in Brazil, but nothing involving kids! This is happening in the US, Aus, Britain etc. This is a war on the West.

    Now who could be behind that I wonder…

  5. Molon, not to disagree with you, but the deepest, darkest days of the revolution required God’s intervention as well on more than one occasion. We have been been blessed and we need to live up to God’s expectations.

  6. As we have found out, pedophiles are in the highest positions of power in the world. Maybe they’re driven to gain such positions so they can sexually abuse children with impunity. (Ask any of Epstein’s buddies, like Bill Gates.)

    Ron DeSantis has achieved imposing the death penalty for pedophiles, and death is what they deserve.

  7. @ Anonymous AT 11:07 PM

    Eternal dam nation is what they deserve, and they will get it. Most likely begging to have a millstone tied around their neck and be thrown in the ocean. They can’t say they were not given a direct, unambiguous and specific warning to keep their filthy disgusting selves away from children.

  8. If we had to fight another Civil war to get out freedom back and 2 % of the US population were to die like in the war between the state from 1861-1865, our current population is approximately 330 million + people which means that there would be at least 7 million or more casualties/deaths if we fought a bloody war like that. God forbid, I honestly don’t know if we would survive as a nation such a calamity. We need another divine intervention like the 1st Great Awakening prior to the American Revolution and similarly the 2nd Great Awakening prior to the American Civil War. God help us, he’s our only hope to avoid such a catastophre or we could end up like Russia did 100 years ago when they forgot God and spent 70 years in Hell from 1919 until 1989. I fear more for my children and grandchildren than I do for my current generation because we also have forgot God over the past 50 to 60 years. May God have mercy on America and deliver us from evil.


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