Woman Hits a Dude in the Head With a Bowling Ball: 5-2 Split – IOTW Report

Woman Hits a Dude in the Head With a Bowling Ball: 5-2 Split

The people with her urge her to just go ahead and bowl her frame.

She rolls a strike.

20 Comments on Woman Hits a Dude in the Head With a Bowling Ball: 5-2 Split

  1. Golf, tennis, recreational running, chess, you name it, they all advertise for more “diversity.”
    Pickleball is next I assume.
    Be careful, you might get what you are asking for…

  2. She pushed him away but grabbed his hand to pull him in for the KO. Looks like Assault with a Deadly weapon to me. We don’t have the rest of the story but that video is not good for her…

  3. Not attempted murder. After getting him off her, she stopped. I think throwing the bowling ball supports her not wanting to kill him.

    The fact he went down so easily is worth talking about though. She didn’t invoke any Chuck Norris energy. Just a short punch.

    He was asking for it. Don’t press up on people.

  4. “…but grabbed his hand to pull him in for the KO”

    That moment could also be seen as him grabbing her hand. Why assume it was only her? She could have felt it was a moment for self defense with him gripping her hand.

    To me, he was clearly the aggressor in this situation and could have backed off a long time ago. He wanted this and lost.

  5. @ Rich Taylor AT 5:20 PM

    One fond memory of The Dirty Dozen was that I first saw it at a double drive-in in Ft Worth with my cousins. The girls watched Romeo and Juliet on one side and we watched TDD on the other.

    There happened to be some bleed-over in the speakers.

    The funniest was hearing some romantic tripe of something faint like “Oh Romeo! I love you!” and then full blast machine gun fire on our side.

    Good times. We talked and laughed about that a few times on holiday get-togethers.

  6. So many people with so little Situational Awareness.
    If you’re going to accost someone, for any reason, valid or not, ALWAYS be aware of things that could be possible weapons: as the example here, in a bowling alley, a bowling ball; in a kitchen, knives, skillets, and crockery (sharp edges when broken); anywhere in the house or office, pens and pencils (stabby).
    You get the idea. This is what makes me chuckle whenever I go out and I see (especially at a movie theater) signs that say, “NO WEAPONS ALLOWED”.
    To me, THE MIND IS THE ONLY TRUE WEAPON. Everything else is just a tool.

    So…..be situationally aware. Know what nearby objects could be used as weapons (offense against you or defense). Take that into consideration when you want to start some ruckus. The life you save may be your own.

  7. Signage-
    No weapons allowed? Of course that doesn’t mean honest folks that don’t trust the cops to be there in 30 seconds while people are getting real dead all around you and you wait for your turn to die. Screw your sign, it don’t work on bad guys or transvestites.


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