Woman Being Painted as a Racist – She Has Receipts To Show She is Not – IOTW Report

Woman Being Painted as a Racist – She Has Receipts To Show She is Not

What NBC did to her is criminal.

This report is ridiculous.

Insider has the receipts.

PJW weighs in-

19 Comments on Woman Being Painted as a Racist – She Has Receipts To Show She is Not

  1. “This is EXACTLY the type of behavior that has endangered so many Black men in the past!”

    It seems to me the EXACT behavior that endangers so many black men in the past involves drugs, guns, thievery, and gangs.

    But, sure, blame all their problems on white women. *eyeroll* The same white women who constantly vote based on emotion that favors black men.

  2. “Bellevue apologized in a statement the day after the video was posted and said it was reviewing the incident.”

    Insincere pseudo-apologies are worse than telling the victim to go fuck themselves. Everyone and anyone involved in this kind of shit needs to be sued through the floor. Everyone at the hospital who got involved in something tat was none of their business in the first place should also be fired

  3. @ JDHasty AT 5:58 PM

    That is Black Conservative Perspective Youtube ‘Citi Bike Karen’ Lawyer Shows RECEIPTS & Announcers DEFAMATION Lawsuit Against Race Hustling Media!

    It is the BEST compilation and analysis so far. They are filing lawsuits against EVERY media outfit that referred to her as a Karen, a racist or a thief.

    This is a slam dunk that will make the Covington incident payouts look like peanuts

  4. Been following this story since the beginning – absolutely infuriating.

    Nothing more than a simple dispute; immediately made into a racial incident; she’s a “white supremacist/privileged/nationalist/Karen/whatever/my-gawd-she’s-Satan! and trying to get black men killed.”

    There are several people that need to pay dearly for this.

  5. “Nothing more than a simple dispute…”

    Exactly how did this “dispute” begin? The rental process is pretty straightforward. Is it possible that SOME PEOPLE lurk around the bike stand looking to manufacture an outrage, or even bully and intimidate a bike renter into giving up their rental just to avoid trouble?

    Going after the lying media is great, but it seems like the root causes of the problem, toxic black entitlement and legitimized thuggery, are being avoided.

  6. Best defense (which is unfortunately required now-a-days) is to be awake, look around you and be aware of what’s going on and the potential for this sort of thing.

  7. Ferd Berfle
    AT 7:33 PM

    Scott Adams can tell you what the best defense is.

    So could John Derbyshire.

    That’s why both men are censored.

    For telling the truth.

  8. The esteemed Revs. Sharpton & Jackson will soon have themselves & their goons camped outside of her house demanding her white head on a pike. Regardless of the facts.


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