Parkour Dude Doesn’t See Cables – It Was Almost Curtains – IOTW Report

Parkour Dude Doesn’t See Cables – It Was Almost Curtains

Now someone in the building doesn’t have internet, or something.

16 Comments on Parkour Dude Doesn’t See Cables – It Was Almost Curtains

  1. That gives me the EBJeebies. Climbing onto a roof in the rain
    with a 40 foot ladder and I’m done. Pro tip- bungee the ladder off to the gutter.
    In a normal world that guy should be rethinking his life.

  2. This guy lives to take foolish risks. If he didn’t get his high doing this, he’d get it “doing” something else. Either way, he’ll end up dead. And the cause won’t be old age.

  3. I got caught behind a wreck on the freeway once where they shut the whole thing down. Late in the day. Very low light level. Nobody died. I actually think they all walked away. However there was a Chevy Vega wedged underneath the center card rail. So the CHP has us stopped, the tow trucks are trying to unwedge this car from the center guard rail. I’m between 8 and 10 cars back. Finally, ultimately, one of the tow trucks goes to a full on 90 degrees to the Vega, across the highway. hooks up his cable and starts cranking. About that time some guy on a Harley decides screw this I’m gone. I watched his helmet leave his shoulders, bounce on the ground and role to the roadside. A bloody mess. Patience is a virtue

  4. Northbound state truck patching holes in the highway. Southbound motorhome driver has heart attack. Veers across highway and hits state truck and pushes it over worker. Small town rescue squad, sometimes we would have a fireman for a driver. Driver went into shock at the scene and we had to call his family to come and pick him up. He would not get back into the squad. He quit the next morning.
    Not everybody is meant to do the job.

  5. Yeah, I felt like that when the ladder slipped out from under me. I grabbed at the roof edge but shattered my wrist (plus a basketball-sized hematoma on the back of my knee, and a concussion). I was not in shape, like him. I was just an out-of-shape forty-something that shouldn’t have been on the roof by myself. At least I only fell 12 feet and not 120. Too many internet exhibitionists, and older-than-forties on ladders, have won the Darwin Award. Unfortunately, many of them had already bred, doing nothing to improve the gene pool.


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