Never Compromise With a Leftist – IOTW Report

Never Compromise With a Leftist

25 Comments on Never Compromise With a Leftist

  1. Mental illness has now become acceptable and if you do not agree with it you are targeted as a hateful bigoted person (as opposed to someone who lives in reality). And as a hateful bigoted person you have a target on your back that opens you up to verbal and in some cases physical assault (which in the real world is actual hate).

  2. How much more insane can it get?

    Please nigga, you ain’t seen nothing yet. Once TPTB have secured the WH and Congress in 2024, the shitshow is really going to ramp up.

  3. I didn’t realize that “bake the cake or go to court” was over 10 years old!
    We’ve been on a downhill slide to Sodom and Gomorrah for waaay too long!!
    Everywhere is freaks and hairies
    Dykes and fairies, tell me, where is sanity?
    Tax the rich, feed the poor
    ‘Til there are no rich no more

    Ten Years After 52 years later…

  4. And that is one of the big reasons I will never vote for Vivek Ramaswamy.
    He says he wants to work with Democrats.
    Maybe in the 1950’s but not now.
    It’s not available with the Dems who are running the party.
    This phony, make believe “science” and the promotion of mental illness as normal are not to be compromised with.

  5. It is ever this way with all evil.

    “Surely you shall not die?”

    Incipient evil always slithers along the path of least resistance redefining and literally perverting reality to suit the creeping escalation towards damnation.

    I’m telling you at almost 65 I fully anticipate pedophlia to be legal before I turn 75.

    Think I’m wrong? We literally have a known, proven child molester as our WH resident.

    The end of days are upon us.

  6. Tell me this entire conversation isn’t basically exactly like this:

    4yr old, “Daddy I want ice cream.”
    “Sweetie you can’t have ice cream before dinner.”
    4yr old, “But I want ice cream!”
    “You can have some after dinner, but not now.”
    4 yr old, “You’re so mean daddy!! it’s not fair!”
    *stomps off in anger and disbelief*

  7. You have a right to your own opinion, you’re not entitled to your own set of facts. You don’t have a right to tell me what’s in my heart or how think or speak. Get over it.
    The culture rot, it’s a thing and it’s intentional.

  8. ecp
    AT 10:07 AM

    “Tell me this entire conversation isn’t basically exactly like this:”

    …it would be if the government put you in prison for not giving the ice cream on demand…

  9. SNS,

    I sure hope gov didn’t put this teacher in prison for not accepting the children’s anti-scientific anti-reality-based gender demands. But yea, this whole “hate speech” accusational nonsense is going to get people locked up, that’s what they’re going for, truth itself will be a crime.

  10. I had a neighbor whose 9 yo daughter called the police when she didn’t get her way. She told the police she had been spanked. Children got taken away and given to his sister. She did the same thing again and was put into foster care.
    Future Democrat in training.

  11. When I graduated with my B.A. in Psychology in 1980 we still called the statement “men can menstrate” a delusion and anyone who thought a man was a woman or a woman was a man mentally ill.

    Antisocial personality disorder is now the norm with these people and the truth is viewed as pathology.

    The devil is certainly in control and humanity is on the road to Hell. Believe in Christ Jesus and in his name we shall be saved as his is the way, the truth, and the life.

  12. I have a buddy who frequently starts his rebuttals: With all due respect…rolls his eyes and turns his head slightly and says none.

    These morons and their nonsense is not worthy of respect on any level.

  13. think back to that episode of Star Trek TNG, where thev psychotic psychologist tries to force Picard to say there are 5 lights, when in reality, as Picard says repeatedly “there are four lights”

    it’s all about breaking you, like a bronco buster breaking a horse: ride it until it surrenders. once broken a horse stays broken.

    if you swallow the wokw pill in any way on any subject, you swallow trhe whole woke agenda. it’s about grinding you down until you speak their lie.

    they know there are four lights. you know there are four lights. the question is, how long can you take the pressure?

  14. How far can it go? Give us your children so we can use them as sex toys. That is the fundamental goal of the entire queer agenda. Vanilla homos are so last year.

  15. The United States is a victim of it’s own success. The left must CREATE turmoil and strife that government must solve because it doesn’t have anything else to offer.

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