China Has an Agreement with Cuba for a Spy Base – IOTW Report

China Has an Agreement with Cuba for a Spy Base

cbs news

Cuba may allow China to establish a facility on its territory capable of conducting electronic surveillance on the United States, CBS News has confirmed, a plan that would add notable strain to already tense relations between Washington and Beijing. 

While China and the U.S. routinely surveil each other — and others — using satellites, overhead flights and other means, a Chinese outpost positioned roughly 100 miles from the Florida coast would undoubtedly inflame sensitivities that were already stoked by the U.S. military shootdown of a Chinese surveillance balloon that traversed American territory in February. More

18 Comments on China Has an Agreement with Cuba for a Spy Base

  1. China has Biden, the Demonrat Party, and the FBI in its pocket – so why waste the money?
    Not to mention NSA, CIA, DIA, DHS, the House, the Senate, the Supremes, most of the Governors, &c.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. I hate to tells Y’all how much real estate & political clout they have up here in Canuckistan…

    They helped elect Justine Turdette & currently there is a political scandal regarding this shit.

  3. ^^^ Kcir – watching in Canuckistan AT 6:30 PM
    Not surprised as I remember chinese troops in uniform running down country roads. Getting ready to invade the U.S.

  4. I am sure that the Biden administration will be upset about this as he does the same thing on Russias doorstep and calls Putin evil for objecting to it.

  5. ” … undoubtedly inflame sensitivities that were already stoked by the U.S. military shootdown of a Chinese surveillance balloon that traversed American territory in February.”

    oh puleeeeeease … after Pedo Pete, the Molester-in-Chief, was allowed by his Chinese masters to shoot it down after all the data they neede was gathered?

    “Biden China’s bitch!” ~ Chairman Winnie the Xi

  6. Spring 2025,……President Trump comes to agreement with Vietnam to build a US airbase north of Hanoi and a naval base near Haiphong harbor……

    You read it here first, folks.


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