“Let Him Go Back to Ohio, Or Wherever He Belongs” – IOTW Report

“Let Him Go Back to Ohio, Or Wherever He Belongs”

The Epoch Times

As his farewell tour wraps up, pop singer Elton John said he has no plans to perform again in the United States due to the country’s “growing swell of anger and homophobia.”

That’s according to what the “Goodbye Yellow Brick Road” musician said in an interview he gave Radio Times, where he noted what he described as a growing number of anti-grooming laws being passed in states, including Florida, Texas, Georgia, Tennessee, North Dakota, and South Dakota. He specifically singled out Florida’s laws, calling them “disgraceful.” More

I stumbled upon this spot-on parody of “Captain Fantastic” a while ago (the title to this post will make sense). The performer is Neil Innes, a genius novelty song writer of the first order. Watch

28 Comments on “Let Him Go Back to Ohio, Or Wherever He Belongs”

  1. “You made me. Without America, I wouldn’t be here,” said John. “Thank you for all the years of love and generosity…”
    But how, if we’re so homophobic? This is about kids being offered up to pedos.

    There can be no peace with people who lie so blatantly about their opponents.

  2. How about you’re no longer welcome in America, and it would be folly for any venue that had you perform here ever again? Does that work for you Reginald?

  3. OMG, the champagne glasses are genius in themselves!

    Neil is the minstrel in “The Holy Grail” movie, wrote most of the Beatle parodies for “The Rutles” and was the founder of the Bonzo Doo-Dah Band among his notable accomplishments. – Dr. Tar

  4. Again, Satan. This is how Lucifer operates. He is the inventor of the original slippery slope.

    Surely you shall not die..thus on to the next sin, and the next after that. That is how in two generations we went from Eden to murdering your brother.

    So queers support pedophilic causes and recoil when parents attempt to reexert control over their children.

    Pedophilic perverts espouse body autonomy at birth and therefore pedophlia is just another free choice, just another form of sexual expression. When one sin is tolerated they all are.

    Take Sodom and Gammorah. Lot offered up his own children to the crowd of insatiable sex perverts but even that was passe to the demon infested population.

    They wanted sex with the Angels themselves. That was that for our Lord.

    Queers instinctively know they are committing sin, to promote an even greater sin gives them some relief from their own perversions.

    I may be queer, but I’m not a murderer.

    Demonrats start with murder and tolerate every other sin. They murder untold millions in the womb, what perversion is worse than that? Therefore all perversion is permissible.

    Elton argues since I sin, all sins are permissible. He elevates man into God, the original sin.

    The rapture cannot come soon enough.

  5. “I don’t care what you do with me, Brer Fox” said Brer Rabbit. “Just don’t fling me in that briar patch over there. Roast me, Brer Fox, but don’t fling me in in that briar patch,” said Brer Rabbit.

    “It’s so much trouble to start a fire,” said Brer Fox, “that I think I’d rather hang you.”

    “Hang me just as high as you please, Brer Fox,” said Brer Rabbit, “but for Lord’s sake don’t fling me in in that briar patch.”

    “I don’t have any string,” said Brer Fox, “so I think I’d rather drown you.”

    “Drown me just as deep as you please, Brer Fox,” said Brer Rabbit, “but for Lord’s sake don’t fling me in in that briar patch.”

    “There’s no water nearby,” said Brer Fox, “so I think I’d rather skin you.”

    “Skin me, Brer Fox, snatch out my eyeballs, tear out my ears by the roots, and cut off my legs,” said Brer Rabbit. “Only please, Brer Fox, please don’t throw me into the briar patch.”

    “It’s not going to be much fun skinning you,” said Brer Fox, “you’re not scared of that. But you are scared of the briar patch.”

    And with that, Brer Fox yanked Brer Rabbit off the Tar-Baby, and he flung him -KERPLUNK!- right into the briar patch.

    Well, there was a flutter where Brer Rabbit landed, then “Ooo! Oow! Ouch!” he screeched and he squalled. Then after a while, there was only a weak whisper from Brer Rabbit. Brer Fox listened.

    “I got him! Brer Rabbit is dead!” said Brer Fox.

    But then he heard a scuffling away at the other end of the briar patch. And low and behold, who does Brer Fox see scrambling out but Brer Rabbit himself, playing a briar bush whistle.

    “Born and bred in the briar patch, that’s me,” laughed Brer Rabbit. “I told you not to throw me there. In all the world, that’s the place I love best!”

    With a lippity clip, he hopped away.

  6. Elton, your arrogance surpasses your talent. Why do you think anyone cares about what you think or how you feel? You’ve lost your relevance (if you ever had any). You’re just a performer, an entertainer, a vaudeville act who has outlived your popularity. I think that means you’re washed up. Be quiet and go away.

  7. We all knew he sucked dicks back in 1972 and yet we listened to his music as long as he stayed quiet about it. He took everyone’s money while on the down low and after he took it all, he starts trashing the people who were willing to give him a pass for being a faggot. Now, he wants to scold us for not being tolerant as he is being intolerant. Bite me, asshole!


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