The Difference Between the Left and Right When it Comes to Children – IOTW Report

The Difference Between the Left and Right When it Comes to Children

10 Comments on The Difference Between the Left and Right When it Comes to Children

  1. We already know the left only sees children as useful tools.
    They’re okay with killing them minutes before birth and they’re okay with mutilating their bodies.
    This is sexualizing them and these, usually fat mothers, are living out their dreams of being attractive through damaging their kids.

  2. “We already know the left only sees children as useful tools.”

    It’s much worse than that. If you can, try and go see “The Sound if Freedom” this weekend.

  3. Progs see children as fashion accessories. They are totally invested in moral relativism. Moral Relativism asserts that moral standards are culturally-defined and therefore it may be impossible to determine what is truly right or wrong.

    Whatever they want in the present, justifies their behavior.

    Other people are there to serve their desires.

    They are absolute filth and to concede that they have any respect for others is unwarranted. Particularly when they are crying crocodile tears for some individual or population. Listen closely and there is always an ulterior motive. At the end of the day it’s always about them. Virtue signaling, which is their stock in trade, is a dead giveaway.

    They have no capacity for even a modicum of consideration for others, much less compassion. They use others to satisfy their own ends. False sincerity is transparently obvious as soon as you examine their bullshit critically.

  4. Moral Relativism is merely an attempt to upscale the original sin of Man as God.

    There is no sin too heinous when man elevates himself to God.

    We are witnessing in real time the rise of Satan. All this current cultural perversion is merely the welcomemat to Lucifer and abortion his red carpet.

    The screams of innocent babies as they are murdered and soul destroying sexual deviance are the hosannas of praise to Satan.

  5. @ Cisco Kid AT 9:02 AM

    They envy and resent God for what they see as his unjustly occupying the spot in the grand scheme of things they believe themselves to have been created for.

    Unbelievable to anyone who isn’t all invested in progressivism, but true. They admit it fairly frequently if you pay attention and listen closely to them talking amongst fellow travelers.

  6. I hate the left and their moral relativism and their hatred of God. The left wants to be as gods and have us worship and bow down to them rather than the one true Almighty God. I refuse until my dying breath to accept any of the left’s baloney and malarkey. If that makes me an enemy of the state or a bigot, racist, homophobe etc., so be it.

  7. Tony R, if there is a theater in Maine I will go see it.
    If not, I’ll look in NH.
    Wes Bentley of Far Reaching Ministries came to our church in April and spoke.
    Oh boy, the accounts he spoke of. He told us he wasn’t telling the worst of it.
    They keep many of their safe houses for children secret.


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