Wrong Answers Only – IOTW Report

Wrong Answers Only

What’s That Slot For?

53 Comments on Wrong Answers Only

  1. Bumper jack….before that the jack had an attachment to hook under the bumper, support against the front of said bumper and lift….also known as ‘widow maker’ style because they would sometimes slip because you had to raise the car so high to get the tire off the ground the jack would slip off and kill you…. yes, I’m old.

  2. A little know fact is that because the bumper had to meet crash test requirements, the rectangle punched out was not scrapped, it was welded to the back side of the bumper in a spot determined by the engineering department.

    If you think it was to reduce weight, you’re wrong.

    I worked in the automotive industry and I know these things.

  3. It’s called a ‘feather slot’. A feather was inserted to tickle the Trunk Monkey and cheer him up before opening the trunk. Nothing is worse than lifting the lid on a chimp that’s in a foul mood.

  4. the third generation vehicle tiedown port, used when transporting in a shipping container or old school auto transport, may be a similar one on other end, slang, front hole and back hole.

  5. Cheap bastards.
    Save an ounce of steel (and chrome) on every bumper – worth a couple of $million over the run of the car.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. The vertical slit is for omnisexuals..they’re like Mikey who would eat anything. They’ll screw anything.

    Omni means all….animals, dead animals, tree trunks, infants, holes in the ground, a 4,000 year old mummy…it’s all fair game.

  7. Guess i get home from work too late to win. Nonetheless:

    In the 70s, cell phones were a lot bigger. This is where you plugged them in to be charged by the Carbon Fuel Cell.


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