“She always told me not to flip people off because you never know.” – Widower – IOTW Report

“She always told me not to flip people off because you never know.” – Widower


Another road rage incident has taken a life. Zane Jones was driving with his wife Paola Nunez Linares, 37, in Hurst, Texas.

The couple was on their way to the night shift they both worked at a paint store, and were behind a car driving slowly in the right lane, so they pulled into the left lane to pass when a third vehicle came speeding up from behind and rode near their bumper. “So I completed the pass, moved over to the right lane and the other car sped up to me and almost like crashed into my car, got very close and then backed away. And I flipped them off,” says Jones. “She [his wife] always told me not to flip people off because you never know.” 


12 Comments on “She always told me not to flip people off because you never know.” – Widower

  1. My daughter flipped off a very nasty vocal Karen one very snowy day quite a few years ago when the snow along the side of the street was extremely deep with huge berms and a guy was walking on the street because the sidewalk was buried under a couple feet of snow. I slowed down to get around the guy and then my daughter flipped her off because she almost hit the guy and at the next stop light this Karen got out of her car and came back at me yelling at me because she’d been flipped off. Fortunately, nothing happened but that lady was a bitch yelling at me because I was courteous to the guy walking in the street with all that snow. What else was I supposed to do, run the poor guy over. My daughter considers that a badge of honor flipping that bitch off, she deserved it in spades.

  2. Think about it…

    Always considered getting flipped off as an invitation to roll around in the gravel with someone (or some version of that).

    With today’s mental health being what it is do I really need to respond, let alone do it myself? Always ask myself, “Do I really want to shoot someone over this?”

  3. “Don’t do it unless you carry”

    Why take a chance of getting into a gun fight. You’ll go broke defending yourself in court and you run the risk of getting shot. JUST DON’T FING DO IT. Don’t participate in the game.
    I’ve only climbed out on a guy once. Some fat Mex guy spit on the hood of my wife brand new Mercedes. He figured out he had made a mistake about the time I had yanked him through the passenger side window in the car he was in. I made him take off his shirt and clean off the hood.

  4. “I’ve only climbed out on a guy once”

    And you were doing so well with your previous advice. As you are pulling him out the side window he shanks you 3 times in the chest, or he just shoots you a few times before you can reach for your weapon. And as you lay dying on some dirty sidewalk you say to yourself,”Well hell, I only did it this one time”.


    That’s the best advice, stick with that. Especially in California, the number of unhinged lunatic libs who are psychotic and will kill you over absolutely nothing is off the charts. I can’t tell you how many road rage tragedies I have seen firsthand. If at all possible, retreat and remove yourself from a potentially dangerous situation that you might not survive.

  5. Summary: A guy drives a minivan in the left lane for God knows how long. After he finally gets his minivan back into the right lane, he flips off the person he was blocking. By that time, that person is so enraged that they can’t even shoot straight.

    Gun control in Texas means not being a spaz when shooting from a moving car. The Texas legislature needs to pass a law that makes it illegal to carry a firearm in a car unless a test has been passed demonstrating an ability to hit the driver of a minivan *only a few feet away* instead of their passengers. Jeez, people.

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