Hunter’s Lawyers Send Angry Letter to President Trump – IOTW Report

Hunter’s Lawyers Send Angry Letter to President Trump


Either Hunter Biden is a delicate snowflake, or his legal team is beyond thin-skinned because the letter they sent to Donald Trump is laughable. The former president has been posting extensively about the cracked-out son of Joe Biden. He’s an easy target, and we got a window into his whacked-out life when the contents of his laptop got revealed. Essentially, Hunter’s lawyer told Trump to stop exercising his constitutional right to free speech because it could cause harm to Mr. Biden and his family.

8 Comments on Hunter’s Lawyers Send Angry Letter to President Trump

  1. Or Trump GFY biggly time. Well the plan to attack his daddy not twerking so well. Biden is leading Trump criminal empire in all the polls. Looks like your daddy is going to prison, Alajuela. Praise the Lord.


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