How Has Sotomayor’s Wealth Skyrocketed Since Being Chosen For SCOTUS? – IOTW Report

How Has Sotomayor’s Wealth Skyrocketed Since Being Chosen For SCOTUS?

How does this continually happen, and how does a crack-addled scumbag like Hunter not do jail time? I’m not conflating Sotomayor with Hunter, in that, I don’t think she does crack. But is it out of bounds to ask these people where their money comes from?

Maybe Justice Thomas gave her some of his gifts?


Before one jumps to conclusions regarding corruption of office and such, know that the world knows Ms. Sotomayor as a “wise Latina,” and such wisdom likely extends beyond the world of jurisprudence to investing (and probably inventing, art, rocketry, and much else).

19 Comments on How Has Sotomayor’s Wealth Skyrocketed Since Being Chosen For SCOTUS?

  1. I believe she writes books and gets her staff to coerce colleges and libraries to buy them, resulting in a 3+ million bucks in her pocket. Then there are the doors she meets with. Favors can get expensive. But I could be wrong…

  2. Its all part of the Washington Political Racketeering scam funded by unchecked over taxing. The worker peasants are clueless about who is reaching into their pockets.

  3. When we’re talking corruption at the highest levels of government, does the level of corruption make much difference?
    We’ve already been programmed to accept it to a certain degree, thanks largley to the propaganda machine.

  4. Anyone on SCOTUS should be financially comfortable. I assume salary around $200k and the assumption that they are fairly smart and connected. I know, that seems far-fetched for about 3 of them right now. But yes, she made most of hers from forced sales of her book.

  5. …nothing but dog s**t, you understand? And a lot of things can happen to dog s**t. It can be scraped up with a shovel off the ground. It can dry up and blow away in the wind. Or it can be stepped on and squashed. So take my advice and be careful where the dog s**ts you.

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