Prisoners Now Eligible For Free College Paid For By the U.S. Government – IOTW Report

Prisoners Now Eligible For Free College Paid For By the U.S. Government


Bipartisan-backed measure seeks to reduce recidivism 

Earlier this month, more than 760,000 adults in prison became eligible for federal financial aid for college courses after a nearly 30-year-old ban was lifted.

In 2020, Congress voted to reinstate access to the federal Pell Grant for students in state or federal corrective institutions, overturning portions of laws from the 1990s that had made many inmates ineligible. It was billed as a bipartisan effort backed by many along the political spectrum.

Since July 3, the Department of Education has accepted applications for the Pell Grant from incarcerated students enrolled in participating prison college programs and will approve them on a “rolling basis,”  according to department officials.

The change will allow incarcerated students to access an estimated $130 million in additional financial aid per year, the Associated Press reported.


24 Comments on Prisoners Now Eligible For Free College Paid For By the U.S. Government

  1. I’m kind of divided on this one. Giving prisoners an education and a skill MIGHT give them a way to not return to crime. However I suspect that most prisoners are too old and too set in their ways to be “rehabilitated”. Likely to be yet another waste of money.

  2. The greatest college or skill trade is license plate manufacturing.
    Prison educates these folks for making license plates and not scientists. Although, the mental acuity of both does not exceed common sense. Pardon my electrical engineering degree but these folks chose crime instead of education and I have to pay tax on these reprobates to get a degree in basket weaving to flaunt their arrogance at a salary greater than mine.

  3. The problem is, you’re never going to convince a street thug who was making big bucks slinging drugs that earning a few hundred buck paycheck is better for him.

  4. Creating more lawyers that learn how to grift legally, (you know, like those in clowngress!)

    On taxpayers backs. I suppose the clowngress worked the expansion to include ILLEGALS!!!

    I’m pretty certain DACA are already getting the grift.

    I have a son who worked his way through a 5 year Aeronautical Engineering degree WITHOUT a cent from the government, therefore NO STUDENT DEBT.

    Get the govt involved and they own you, bought with taxpayers money

    Soon, the coffers will be dry; the land and tangible assets SOLD to the highest bidder.

  5. This is nothing more than the fuckers showing contempt for people who pay taxes and play by the rules. Our forefathers would have tarred and feathered the bastards by now.

  6. Follow the money.
    This is a grift for Academia.
    Some grad students will hazard their lives trying to teach some maggots some shit for credit and the colleges and universities will rake in the dough.

    Bet on it.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  7. Can no longer keep track of all the acts of Congress that PISS ME OFF.

    It’s easier to track what they do that is productive, logical and needed: ZERO.

    Didn’t they finance Shitpants to cure cancer a few years back?

  8. I see a prison term as having 2 outcomes:
    You are in for life. This is because you did some very bad things. We have accepted the obligation to provide you with minimum care until the end of your life, but are not concerned with anything beyond that. Death penalty would be a subset.
    You will get out someday. It is in society’s interest to rehabilitate you, and to prepare you for life outside of prison, whether you have a 6-month stay or a 20-year stay. We don’t want a ‘Shawshank Redemption’ situation where you are simply dumped on the street, knowing that you will simply commit more crimes. I love that we have prison ministries run by truly caring people who engage with prisoners.
    This is another Tenth Amendment situation though. Happy for states to provide, federal government needs to stop doing things that aren’t allowed in the Constitution.

  9. Tony R AT 8:13 AM
    “I need to start an on-line university offering degrees in black-studies, and get one of those lucrative government contracts.

    What’s your ESG score? Are you visibly an angry minority? Will I be able to make political commercials calling everyone a rayyciss who complains about my support for you?

    And, most importantly, how much will you kick back to ME?

    These are the qualifiers to getting unlimited amounts of money we take from taxpayers.

    An Equal Opportunity Employer, “Equal” meaning “No White Males need apply”.

    Unless they are Democrat political elite.

  10. Uh, don’t they have to start in the first grade, learn to read, write, math, English? What career are they educating them in? We know they weren’t teachable as children, and it’s harder for adults to learn the basics. I was asked the other day to read a record album to one such person, and they were on the street! 101 Strings is all it said.

  11. The education would have to be for something that will help the person go straight. While I most certainly agree with punishment, we don’t want that punishment to be a Versailles Treaty.


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