Thanks for clearing that up – IOTW Report

Thanks for clearing that up


30 Comments on Thanks for clearing that up

  1. Corncurl Muffin Head says the following 3 words endlessly: “very” followed by “clear” or “seriously”.

    Other than that she defers to the following:

    We have no information on that I’d refer you to (fill in the blank).

    Easiest job in the universe and yet she still cannot handle it.

    No talent, intelligence, or ability.

    Tedious,lying, worthless sack of crap, in other words a typical Demonrat…

  2. “Unapologetically incompetent.”

    One must possess some sense of awareness to fathom its depth of incompetence.
    I’m just guessing, but her sense of awareness is about on par with a paramecium
    (or is it parmesan?).

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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