A Portable Device That Can Detect Covid in a Room’s Air – IOTW Report

A Portable Device That Can Detect Covid in a Room’s Air

Can’t wait for the false positives that will cause panic and cause people to run around like a , eh hmm, CHINESE fire drill.


Researchers have developed a portable gizmo the size of a microwave that can determine if COVID is present in the air of a room in five minutes, reports Science News. The new tool described in Nature is akin to an air-quality monitor and can detect the airborne virus in real time. It uses an air sampler and a finely-tuned sensor to identify the virus. One current drawback is that it’s pretty loud, similar to a vacuum cleaner, which means it may not be practical to run constantly in, say, a classroom. Another is that it’s expensive, with the device costing nearly $2,000 to build in a lab. But the prototype works, with Time reporting that it was 77% to 83% accurate in sniffing out COVID.


22 Comments on A Portable Device That Can Detect Covid in a Room’s Air

  1. Well I am glad that they did not stipulate covid-19 since to my understanding has still never been identified, so they are telling us they have developed a machine that can detect the common cold when anyone with any situational awareness can SEE that across a room…..

  2. Ummm……no. Just. No.
    But thanks for the warning.
    Now I know that if I see/hear one, to just turn around and walk away, the “environment” is too toxic.

  3. Fuck off with that Coof stupidity.


    I’m done.

    Jam that thing up your ass to detect the smell of your farts, seeing as how that’s where these ideas come from anyway.

  4. @Different Tim – …and then it calls itself out.

    “beep beep, covid alert…BULLSHIT!”
    “beep beep, covid…BULLSHIT!”
    “beep beep, co…BULLSHIT!”

  5. They finally took down the plexiglass shields in the checkout line at the grocery store, so yesterday I’m checking out and the cashier pulls an earloop mask on, but only covers her mouth and not her nose. Friggin’ brilliant, another MENSA member.

  6. Just pass’n thru AT 2:18 PM
    “sns,,,glad you didn’t quote the Bible along with that rant…”

    …I know. Double minded and all that, I should be better but I’m not. I will never be good enough to wash the feet of the Lord and I’m very unlikely to have a home with Him because I can’t overcome my anger and sin nature, but that doesn’t mean I don’t still love Him, recognize His hand, and try to point others to Him whether I can reach Him myself or not. I made my peace with prioritizing the lives of others over my own physically long ago, no reason it shouldn’t apply spiritually as well.

    But its a good call out on your part and I shouldn’t be a stumblingblock, but I get very, VERY angry at the things I’ve seen and had to deal with from Coof alone, very real consequences from ruptured supply chain issues to miscarried babies to dead 19 year olds, so I have absolutely NO patience with anyone trying to sustain the lies that made a pedophile president possible and contine to kill chidren worldwide with lethal vaxxxines for theoretical illnesses that aren’t even really a threat to them.

    You are right. I’m double minded and I will have no excuse before the Lord, and He will reject me and say He never knew me.

    Its a bitter pill to swallow, but I love Him anyway although I will never be worthy of Him. But He won’t mind the company of my wife, and the beauty of what He does for her is not lost on me, nor will I fail to praise Him when I see it.

    I am deeply flawed and even more deeply wounded by events and people you know nothing about, not that it justifies anything but point out that I do struggle with things like this, and this is but one manifestation.

    I do try to never place praise and invective in the same thread, howerver.

    I’m afraid that, for now anyway, that’s the best I can currently do.

    You are correct and righteous to call this dichotomy out, JPT, and I do not deny it.

    But I only ask that, along with your callout, you also pray for me and any who face similar struggles.

    For I can’t stop doing it without Him, but I can’t be close to Him until I stop doing it.

    Maybe next time I sit in church beside my blessed wife, wondering if I really belong there, your prayer will move Him to move me.

    You never know…


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