Home Explosion on Video – IOTW Report

Home Explosion on Video

People were killed. Adjacent houses caught fire.

23 Comments on Home Explosion on Video

  1. If gas wasn’t involved I can’t think what else would cause an explosion of that magnitude.
    Water heater pressure explosion wouldn’t have made the fireball I don’t think.
    Guessing I’ll wait for SNS to chime in as he’s probably got an idea.

  2. That ain’t no joke. I’ve seen accumulated natural gas explosions in residences and it ain’t pretty and can be lethal in a couple of ways, expecially if people are sleeping and they can asphyxiate before blowing up (and yes, its daylight, but shift workers and children and tired old people HAVE been known to sleep in the daylight).

    Also possible, and no you can’t rule this out because it’s a nice neighborhood is drug production. Again I don’t give details on items of unholy knowledge that I’ve accumulated over the years but that CAN be quite dangerous as well. Not saying that’s the issue here at all, but the force of the explosion makes that something that would have to be considered.

    Other things it could be too but this is speculative enough.

    May God comfort those in their hour of need, those who mourn, those who must bury their loved ones, those who witnessed this and those that were unable to save them. The Lord has wrapped his arms around those who have passed to His care, so our thoughts and prayers should be on those who have suddenly lost them, to give them hope that they are with the Lord and they may be reunited one glad morning by and by. Touch them with your Blessed Assurance Lord, heal them in spirit, guide the physicians that treat the physically and mentally wounded from this event that they may receive full and complete healing.

    In the merciful name of Jesus I pray,

    God bless,

  3. …and yes, on the gas thing, both natural and swamp, it would have been rare back in the day to get this much violance out of it. It happened, but not often.

    But nowadays in the name of climate change, energy savings, call it what you will, newer construction like this is sealed up real tight, so a LOT of gas can accumulate if the owner is sleeiping/incapacitated/absent, and something like this is VERY MUCH a possiblity.

    Hell of it is, with our government the way that it is, we may never get an answer we can truly believe…

  4. The orange flames and the black smoke, it looks like a fuel explosion. I explain, in 86, I followed a commando course, in one of the workshops, there was training on trapping with explosives and fuel. In this case, one of the exercises consisted of a double pyrotechnic chain and 200gr loaves of Tolite, taped on a 10L plastic jerrycan 2/3 filled with gasoline.
    The instructor told us not to fill the jerrycan to the brim, that there would be a better air/fuel mixture and that the vapors would increase the power of the explosion.
    When we detonated our “Potato” on the exercise range, it gave exactly what we see on the screen on this video: same flames and black smoke.

  5. @SNS at 9:06 am

    That looked like a really “clean” burn. Lots of oxidizer to make that fireball that bright of yellow and then no after burn. HMMMMM
    I’ve seen oxy/acetylene bursts and they look just like that.

  6. Andy’s dad AT 9:20 AM
    “@SNS at 9:06 am

    That looked like a really “clean” burn. Lots of oxidizer to make that fireball that bright of yellow and then no after burn.”

    …You may very well be right. I can’t speak to that, as cameras weren’t that great or prevalant in my day, and also because I usually wasn’t extended an invite until the next phase, which generally included active and typically smoky fires (although sometimes it blew itself out). It’s possible the guy had an oxy/acetyline rig in the house for car or other reasons and had a leak, that would be pretty easy to find out in the investigation if so…

  7. Homeowner did the “right thing” and replaced all of the evil gas appliances with electric appliances. Never bothered to have the gas service disconnected, just trusted that the old gas lines and shut off valves would work forever.

  8. From nunyo’s article: “Holiday Park fire Chief James Sims said he has responded to six house explosions in Plum in his decades as a firefighter.”
    What is going on in that town?

  9. And another angle; Record number of suicides being committed thanks to the lock down, loss of freedom and the corruption of government.. People have lost hope. We’ll never get the truth out of the “officials.”


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