IRS Agent Training at Gun Range Kills Colleague – IOTW Report

IRS Agent Training at Gun Range Kills Colleague

ht/ Cynic +Tony R


42 Comments on IRS Agent Training at Gun Range Kills Colleague

  1. Anybody else notice ‘they’ passed from ‘their’ injuries yet the headline says one agent? Last time I checked they and their meant more than one. Bring on the wokeness Holly. Bought and paid for member of the enemedia.

  2. 1 less corrupt government citizen funded FBI agent. Condolences to the family. Your husband/father spared you from years and years of corruption. I imagine the perp won’t proceed to his next training routine – bomb squad.

  3. Flags lowered half staff, a Procession from the hospital to the morgue by Police Motorcycles and vehicles was held for IRS agent killed at the shooting range.

    Everybody loves a parade, the Federal Government knows how to elevate those who wield the sword over the heads of citizens and patriots.

    Incompetence in Government is rewarded.
    Shooter to be promoted and transferred to the ATF.

  4. BULL SHIT> You believe this bullshit? There is more to this story then they will ever let on. And we can all trust the FBI to get to the bottom of this and reveal nothing but the truth, right?

  5. I’ve had two POST Certified trainers, the guys that train LE, tell me the worst trained peeps with handguns around are Law Enforcement. On the state and fed level.

  6. Just a shame “they” didn’t kill all of “them.”
    Next week “they” should train with Merrick Garland and Chris Wray.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  7. I live in Canada,and no matter what you believe we are allowed to have guns. You just can’t transport them without special licensing them like a Moose,bear or deer tag.
    However i do have a group of friends who show up to my cottage near Georgian Bay every year for the last ten years to shoot at targets in between fishing and eating and adult sodas.
    All guns are empty and sitting on the table until you are ready to shoot at the target,we even rope off access to the area when it is live.Even had a bear one day at the end of the driveway giving us a cute head tilt wondering what was going on.
    Even with all precautions we take each and every single one of us are guilty of firearm offences.Number one being Transport of a registered fire arm.We don’t really give a shit.
    Canada, “The True North Strong and Free” my ass.


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