Hunter Biden Stayed at the White House for TWO WEEKS Around the Same Time Cocaine Was Found – and Staff Were Unaware – IOTW Report

Hunter Biden Stayed at the White House for TWO WEEKS Around the Same Time Cocaine Was Found – and Staff Were Unaware

But they have no clue whose coke it was.


Hunter Biden secretly hid out at the White House two weeks after making a plea deal for his tax and gun crimes, according to a report. 

The president’s scandal-plagued 53-year-old son spent two weeks in the executive mansion beginning on June 21 – the day after he reached the now-defunct plea bargain with US Attorney David Weiss, the Washington Post reported. 

The deal would have seen Hunter avoid jail time for failing to pay taxes and lying about his drug habits on a gun form – but it blew up when the judge informed Hunter he could still be prosecuted other crimes in the future.

Most of Biden’s aides were unaware of Hunter’s extended stay on the premises – which overlapped with cocaine being found at the White House on July 2, a White House state dinner with India‘s prime minister, two Biden family trips to Camp David and an Independence Day bash. 

Hunter, his wife Melissa and son Beau left the White House on July 5. 

The report notes that Biden’s aides ‘strenuously avoid’ discussing Hunter and his ongoing legal woes because they believe their ‘contributions and ideas would not be welcome.’ 

Hunter’s lengthy visit is a reminder of his continued closeness to his prominent father, despite the ‘toll’ his scandals take on the president. That closeness will surely be used against Biden in the 2024 election as Republicans have gone to great lengths to try to prove Joe was involved in Hunter’s business deals. 


10 Comments on Hunter Biden Stayed at the White House for TWO WEEKS Around the Same Time Cocaine Was Found – and Staff Were Unaware



  2. WTF??
    First they tell us “there is no way to determine whose cocaine it is”.
    Then we find out Hunter was hiding out in the WH and no one knew about it?
    This is the level of security that surrounds the highest office in the US?
    I guess Congress should stop paying for Secret Service protection since everybody is just shrugging their shoulders over this situation as though it is no big deal.
    Where are the agents who suit up everyday to do their job? How do they feel about being seen as Keystone Cops and incompetent fools? Which one of them is gonna step in to protect the creature in the WH and his useless, grifting family?

  3. Humper Biden in the library with a crack pipe, every MFer alive knows it was Humpers coke. Directly or smuggled in by a relative.

    It was Humpers nose candy, thus the full metal jacket cover up.

    The beauty is that Humoers please deal bkew up anyway because the Pedo us toast.

    Manchelle No Belle is coming to a convention near you…

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