Unusual Critters – IOTW Report

Unusual Critters

Images from:

1) Claudia (Gypsy Moths) laying egg nests on a Red Maple. First time I’ve seen them do this. Researched them and found out the caterpillars will defoliate the tree in one season. Killed them with a soapy treatment.
2) Claudia (Dobson Fly) Glad it was dead when found or else I would have freaked out! Turns out they are harmless. This is the male who only lives for a few days to mate. The larvae live in the water (the pond) and eat mosquito larvae. Now I won’t kill any of these if I see them!
3) Pxhere.com (Green Stink Bug)
4) Unsplash.com (Brown Deer)
5) Unsplash.com (Puffin)
6) Pixabay.com (Lizard)

To submit your critter pictures for a future Sunday Critters, please email them to:



  1. A picture you/family/friend took and agree to publish here. NO images found on the internet.
  2. ‘Critters’ in the subject line.
  3. Your screen name.
  4. Your critter’s name (or species, if not your pet).
  5. Comments about the critter you want to share.

NEEDED: If your picture is for any of the following themes, please name the theme.

8-27 I’m So Proud That I’m Humble – Please have your pictures in to me by FRIDAY at NOON. – All critters are humble, right? Wait until they do something dumb, THEN they are humble.
9-3 Labor Day – Show us your laborious critters. Or maybe critters watching YOU be laborious.
9-17 Belly Up – Critters trust their humans by showing you their belly. Does your critter trust you? Theme idea from Old Guy.

9 Comments on Unusual Critters

  1. Morning Lady C. Nice reminder that crawlies serve the purposes of the Lord too, and that we should not judge on appearance alone.

    Anything that eats mosquitoes is a friend of mine.

    Check your inbox, I sent something that is too late for this but woulda looked good here. Maybe next time!

    …keep on, thank you and God bless, SNS


    I will hang on to these for the next time!! – Claudia

  2. Imagine finding one of these in the wild.
    I stepped on one in a creek near Cumberland MD while trout fishing when I was a kid. I was wading in water about thigh deep. It lunged up to the water surface and splashed around. Between feeling it move under my foot and then splash around I thought the devil was reaching up to get me.

  3. Thank you Claudia, Always a pleasant respite. Hope everyone has a great new week!

  4. Got a new one here recently, Stag Beetle. Never seen them before and then a number of them showed up at the daughter’s place (three doors over). Have a few dead oaks there and that might be where they’re coming from.

    Also found a yellow jacket nest next to the front entrance to the house yesterday. Moved a storage container and a recycle bin that we use for storage and surprise, surprise. Nailed me on the face and hand. Came home last night from the part time job to try and spray. Dumped the one container over to find a large nest previously attached to its bottom. Still too warm (low seventies) so still too active. Got in the house to get the spray and didn’t know I brought a couple in with me. To get nailed a couple more times in the kitchen. Sleeping was not good last night. Went back out and sprayed the crap out of them. Haven’t checked my work this morning. Why did they have to sting the same damn spots where they got me in the afternoon?

    Mommy Nature had fun with me yesterday.


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