The Sacrament of the Demonic Underworld – IOTW Report

The Sacrament of the Demonic Underworld

14 Comments on The Sacrament of the Demonic Underworld

  1. Amen … the weak, vapid obtuse support the demonic. abominations feed the demonic

    there is nothing more demonic than the sacrifice of those that are protected in the womb …. the D’rats celebrate it, consecrate it in law … it has become their line that will not be crossed.
    sacrifice your children, it’s ‘effin’ biblical!!!
    better yet, sacrifice the unborn … it’s even better than biblical!!!

    fear not, there will be a reckoning … come God, or come Satan … either way, they will own their acts.

  2. That is why there can be no compromise. There is no “heart beat” standard or viability standard or any other standard other than life begins at conception. Period.

  3. Two common themes in God’s creation:

    All lives matter and God loves His creation.

    Human life is sacred including those He knows and loves in the womb.

    There will be consequences for violating His created order.

    He commands we love humankind but He knows it is impossible to like the behavior of humankind.

  4. Throughout the Bible, there are stories of women praying to God for a child. The one I am thinking of at present is Hannah, who was reviled and taunted because she had not conceived. She prayed to God for a child and He answered her prayer. She pledged the baby – who became the prophet Samuel – to serve the Lord.

  5. The Uniparty serves Satan. Abortion is a high right in worship to Moloch, that is why Demonrats are Demon Rats, they worship at the colven hoofs of Lucifer and their primary offering is the murder off innocent life.

    They revel in it and protect it at all costs because it’s a direct refutation of God’s will.

    He sends the souls to occupy the body and by murdering the body in the most heinous way possible they deprive the soul of a vessel.

    It’s a fat middle finger to the Lord. As I’ve said many times before when murder of innocents is your baseline all other sin is moot to these creatures.

    Think of abortion as the holocaust it is and the Democrats as Nazis and it all makes sense.

    The Nazis were enamored wuth the occult and they worshiped Satan in the form of Hitler.

    The unspeakable atrocities of Nazi Germany pale in comparison to the death toll of abortion.

    Over 85 million dead blacks alone. Talk about a holocaust, and they vote over 90% for their own destruction.

    We are rapidly approaching the end of days. If PDJT is assassinated or incarcerated and Manchelle wins, we will face Armageddon.

  6. The left can’t handle the truth because they have denied God who is the author of even their hateful. spiteful, miserable lives and rejection of God as their creator. To them they would rather believe in the complete bs of it’s all a matter of slime plus time than there is a God who created all of our existence and loves us no matter how screwed up we are if we give him a chance and truly believe in him and accept his grace and mercy for our lives. I used to be one of them and I am eternally grateful that God saved me from all that nonsense when I was 19 back in 1972.

  7. Many cultures in history sacrificed their children on the altar. They Mayans were one such culture. They were wiped out by the Spaniards, and rightly so. God works in mysterious ways. But Jesus called them unto him, and said, Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God. Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child shall in no wise enter therein.”

    The abortionists/pedophiles/homosexuals will be punished beyond our wildest thoughts.

  8. You can see the demonic activity manifest itself in the behavior of these protestors that are pro-abortion, but LGBTQ, BLM, Antifa. It is perversion, lawlessness, and of course murderous and they are proud of it all.
    The screaming lunatics in these organizations lack any morality, self control, responsibility and it manifest itself when gathering in groups. I used to think the idealogical debates could sway people but it is a spiritual warfare happening.

  9. Then again, what do we do with women who pop out 15 kids, gets arrested for child abuse? That’s 15 humans that will start the cycle over again, and so forth. This is what’s causing our down fall, it’s is going to end badly.

    A New Mexico mom of 15 who faked her death after defying probation restraints in a horrific child abuse case — including allegations she boiled newborn puppies in front of her kids — was found alive in a false wall at her husband’s Colorado trailer.


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