Biden a Flaming Dumpster in Maui – IOTW Report

Biden a Flaming Dumpster in Maui

Red State

Keep in mind that the president is in Hawaii to speak to people who have lost everything, including the lives of their family members in some cases, and he decided to tell a made-up story about how his house almost burnt down. Not only that, he suggested that his made-up story gives him a “little sense” of what it’s like to lose a home. In reality, as has been noted before, Biden’s house did not almost burn down. Rather, it suffered a small kitchen fire that was contained within 20 minutes. 

But that’s not the worst part of it. It would have been one thing had Biden just told another white lie to make himself seem relatable (while actually doing the opposite). In this case, though, he decided to embellish his falsehood with a joke about almost losing his precious Corvette. More

32 Comments on Biden a Flaming Dumpster in Maui

  1. If Joey had had a child named Corvette, his story might, MIGHT, have had some relevance. As it is, though, he has simply demonstrated once again that he is a sociopathic delusional demonic monster.

  2. The people there would prefer Deanne Criswell (head of FEMA) to show up with her agency and some monetary relief. They could do without the ,”No Comment” Goofball-in-chief since he is incapable of doing the most rudimentary tasks of a sitting president, to show empathy and strength in times of hardship. They want just a fraction of all that cash going to that penile piano-playing dictator in Ukraine.

    A proper investigation (which we won’t get) is also in order laying this on the doorstep of that prog governor, putting all his time and resources into renewables and neglecting the maintenance of the existing power grid. These climate Nazis never get anything right.

  3. Babylon Bee had a Story saying Joe mentioned that His son Beau died in the Maui

    Fire…and Someone else had a Meme saying that Hawaii wouldn’t get Their Money

    until the Prosecutor looking into Hunter was fired…

  4. It’s very hard to imagine being addressed by this fool under such horrific conditions.

    When I saw the fire map of Lahaina my first, immediate impression was “arson”. I hope that is not true, but it’s just too hard to look at the map of it and not come to that conclusion.

  5. Unrelated but I wonder what pomp and circumstance will surround the soon to be passing of Carter.

    I’m certain it will be another in a series of distractions from the drain Biden has got us circling.

    I’m sure Biden will have some appropriate words to comfort the Carter clan. Maybe we’ll get to hear about him showering with his daughter Ashley.

  6. The Pedo is not campaigning at all, at this point he is barely even attempting to be the Resident l. He is completely shot and the dementia is impossible to hide. When he is forced or allowed to go somewhere he shits the bed and in his diapers.

    Commielier Cackkes is AWOL and MIA. Scan the Horizon for Manchelle Risin…

  7. It never ceases to amaze me that there are people in the world who vote for the worst examples of self serving politicians thinking they give a flying fuck about their personal condition.

  8. I’ve been leaving comments that say: “you voted for him, so live with what you voted for. Support him in every way. Be kind to elderly people who are sick with dementia, show some respect man!” Be happy with your $700 he’s giving each of you, that will buy a lot of SPAM. BTW, no one in Paradise, CA got $700 when they got burned out.

  9. Wild Bill AT 5:23 PM

    Joe believes everything is about him. He learned it from 0bama.


    Nah. It’s more a Birds-of-a-feather thing than that.

    We have decades of history of Joe’s lying, plagiarism, shallow, and questionable, morals. It’s obvious now why he was picked as a running mate for O. BOTH SELECTED through and through because puppet masters are the real ones in charge. Can’t have any of this independent logical thinking the likes Trump has.

    Joe was the MOST malleable and obedient loser to pick from. All makes total sense in retrospect.

  10. JDHasty AT 4:55 PM

    It never ceases to amaze me that there are people in the world who vote for the worst examples of self serving politicians thinking they give a flying fuck about their personal condition.


    Dominion and every Democrat poll worker is laughing at your innocence.

    Just like when I complained that ALL Republican signs had been removed from my polling location long before voting day. One poll worker giggled when I mentioned this when I went to vote one year, recently.

    Yeah YOU! YOU’RE the problem, gay Dem poll worker. The day will come you’ll pay the ultimate price for your sins.

  11. The dementia ridden old fuck fell asleep during the “meeting” with the people who lost everything. Happy you voted for this worthless fool now, Maui? I doubt it.

  12. Hey Segregation Anti-Busing, KKK Joe: You trying to show us how well you can flex those flacid, cracked up, and polluted political muscles against BROWN people? Racist extraordinaire.


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