Democrat Governors Jockey for Position as They Wait for Biden to Drop Out – IOTW Report

Democrat Governors Jockey for Position as They Wait for Biden to Drop Out


High-profile Democratic governors are stumping for President Biden’s 2024 re-election campaign and simultaneously auditioning to become the party’s next standard-bearer.

Their efforts signal they are unlikely to cede that role in 2028 to Vice President Kamala Harris, whose sluggish approval ratings have raised doubts among some donors and party officials about whether she can effectively succeed Biden. More

14 Comments on Democrat Governors Jockey for Position as They Wait for Biden to Drop Out

  1. The convention city is Shitcongo, do the math. The only human being alive that can force Dipshit McCackles out is Manchelle, otherwise they lose the black vote.

    A cracker will not be allowed to supplant Commielier McStupid. The vapid bint will pardon the Pedo, Humper and the entire Biden INC thus self poisoning her chances to run.

    This has been the plan all along, and why the Pedo has not a care in the world about anything but his endless stream of vacations.

    Big Mike is the laziest trans bitch alive, so they will wait for the last moment to make her have to effort. Pedo has a health crisis, Cackle McCumface has a few months of glory and then the coronation of Mandick Michelle.

    Take it to the bank. Only the Wookie can get the Demonrats numbers close enough to pull the cheat.


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