Revisiting My Interview With Larry Sinclair – IOTW Report

Revisiting My Interview With Larry Sinclair

Tucker Carlson claims Obama used to smoke CRACK and enjoy gay sex – but that nobody dared report it ahead of 2008 election

14 Comments on Revisiting My Interview With Larry Sinclair

  1. Good grief; at least 10 times in that article it repeated the claim that Barack Obama โ€œsmoked crack before having sex with menโ€. That isnโ€™t even including the number of photo captions with the same fact. While I applaud the Daily Mail for at least printing the story, it cold have been 1/3 the amount of ink (or pixels) without all the repetition, even if it was more of a hit piece on Tucker and Larry Sinclair. Why canโ€™t Barry just come out of the closet? At this point what difference does it make?

  2. Now that Obama has earned the LGBTQ Squeal of Approval he just might say:
    If I had a son he’d look just fabulous!
    Some of my best friends are hom…ohh…say, you are really quite well built aren’t you!
    Didn’t I see you at the Maplethorpe show?
    Have you seen my gerbil?
    What’s your favorite Judy Garland song?
    Now Reggie, if we bump into each other at the Gay Pride parade remember to act really surprised to see me.
    When you come to DC make sure you check out the Home-O-Rama. It’s the first left turn after you pass the Potomac fairy.

  3. I saw Larry Sinclairs press conference years ago during Obama’s first run. The msm pointedly IGNORED it but it made sense to me. Here in Chicagoland many of us heard about Larry’s story. I believed it then and still believe it now. At the same time there were rumors that both Obama and Rahm (twinkletoes) Emmanuel both secretly visited gay bathhouse in Chicago.

  4. Big Mike is what then, Barry’s beard? Can a man pretending to be a woman be a gay guys beard?

    I want to know who spawned the daughters. Did Big Mike have one of those uterus transplants I’m reading about?

  5. Barry Soetoro (or however he spells it) is a total construct in the way that Eric Weinstein described Jeffrey Epstein as a construct (regardless of what one thinks of Weinstein’s veracity). Barry was a nobody until the structure behind these things plucked him out of obscurity and built a story around him.

    Soetoro wasn’t smart, wealthy or connected enough to run a national presidential campaign. He’s as phony as “Hope and Change” and just as maleable and obedient as phony Joe Biden.

    It’s not Obama running the country for a third term, it’s the structure that controlled him for his 8+ years.

    We’re messing around with the apparent bad actors when we should be trying to expose the people who literally conjured them into being.

    (Also recall how Barry frequently wrote and spoke about people and events as “composites”; something or person who doesn’t really exist but “could have”.)

  6. And what do Biden and Obama have in common that makes them prime, constructable material? For starters they’re both pervs with a history of pervy. Beyond the obvious susceptibility to bribery and extortion, their psychological health puts them in the realm of pernicious sex addiction. Both are naturally unambitious and prefer their vacations to work. Both are less than mentally sophisticated; one could even say average intelligence, at best — they can’t think for themselves.

    Dang. I think I just described the entire Democrat universe.

  7. What year was this?
    Very eerie that he candidly talks about murder several times – even in the title of his book.
    Then, he himself was murdered to silence him.
    His poor mother was trying to let people know.

    He sounded like a nice, articulate person.
    R.I.P. Larry Sinclair.


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