Ukraine Tells Critics of Slow Counteroffensive To ‘Shut Up’ – IOTW Report

Ukraine Tells Critics of Slow Counteroffensive To ‘Shut Up’

WFB: Ukraine told critics of the pace of its three-month-old counteroffensive to “shut up” on Thursday, the sharpest signal yet of Kyiv’s frustration at leaks from Western officials that say its forces are advancing too slowly.

Nearly three months since launching a much vaunted counteroffensive using hundreds of billions of dollars of Western military equipment, Ukraine has recaptured more than a dozen villages but has yet to penetrate Russia’s main defenses.

Stories in the New York TimesWashington Post, and other news organizations last week quoted U.S. and other Western officials as suggesting the offensive was falling short of expectations. Some faulted Ukraine’s strategy, including blaming it for concentrating its forces in the wrong places.

Moscow says the Ukrainian campaign has already failed. Ukrainian commanders say they are moving slowly on purpose, degrading Russia’s defenses and logistics to reduce losses when they finally attack at full strength. read more

5 Comments on Ukraine Tells Critics of Slow Counteroffensive To ‘Shut Up’

  1. I am reading where Ukraine is planning to “mobilize” another half million men this Fall and Winter. But apparently some Ukrainian guys have had enough, and they are fighting back when goons try to press-gang them to the front:…203A20Larry20On20US20Generals.t_t%3DReminiscence20of20the20Future…203A20Larry20On20US20Generals.s_o%3Ddescversion%3Dd3a7e0f9d834ec1287136e3d51e7ef82

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