Granholm Takes to the Open Road with EVs – IOTW Report

Granholm Takes to the Open Road with EVs

Red State

Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm set out on a four-day trip this summer. The trip was to prove the worth of the Biden administration’s spending a ton on pushing and “investing” in electric vehicles. 

NPR’s Camila Domonoske went along on the trip and revealed, “Electric cars have a road trip problem, even for the secretary of energy.”  

What happened on the trip says everything about the Biden team’s delusion and entitlement. More

15 Comments on Granholm Takes to the Open Road with EVs

  1. Damned shame it didn’t explode in a fierce conflagration that couldn’t be extinguished.
    Might have fixed that lump on her face (not that there’s anything wrong with that).

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. I get frustrated when filling up with a slow gas pump that takes like 3x the time, or 3-4 minutes to fill 15 gallons. I’d absolutely lose my shit if I had to sit around for 40 minutes to use a “fast charger” that only tops off to 80%.

    Imagine being on a road trip at night and the only charger around is a “slow charger.” Sit around pulling your pud for a few hours to get back on the road for a few more hours. Making it to your destination at 4am instead of midnight, provided you don’t get jacked in a shady charging spot or fall asleep behind the wheel, while not driving over 60MPH to ensure you’ve got enough juice to make it. The EV dream is completely unreasonable, even in a heavily subsidized and propagandized market.

    Shame on the lady with an EV and a baby. That’s basically child abuse.

  3. The Coup has hired some REALLY stupid people. Jenny Grandhole might be the stupidest of them all. The problem with stupid people is they’re to stupid to realize that they are stupid.


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