Sons Not as Good as Dad – IOTW Report

Sons Not as Good as Dad

I have no idea why I thought of this, or why I am making this list. But these are my opinions-

Off the top of my head –

Frank Sinatra Jr. – Frank Sinatra

Chris Wallace – Mike Wallace

Charlie Sheen – Martin Sheen

Jakob Dylan – Bob Dylan

Julian, Sean Lennon – John Lennon

Michael Douglas – Kirk Douglas

Rob Reiner – Carl Reiner

Dale Berra – Yogi Berra

Peter Fonda – Henry Fonda

Here are some I think are better-

Jeff Bridges – Lloyd Bridges

Kiefer Sutherland – Donald Sutherland

Josh Brolin – James Brolin

Peyton Manning – Archie Manning

Ken Griffey Jr. – Ken Griffey

Prince Fielder – Cecil Fielder

Toss Up-

Jerry/Ben Stiller

Ziggy/Bob Marley


Can you add to it?

42 Comments on Sons Not as Good as Dad

  1. St. George Floyd/Bocephus Smiff Floyd III
    Mittens Romney/George Romney
    Nancy Pelosi/Thomas D’Alesandro Jr.
    Chelsea Clinton/Web Hubbell
    Bill Clinton/Guy Who Wandered Through His Mother’s Back Yard
    Barry Obola/Frank Marshall Davis

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Biblical Samuel-sons Joel and Abiah

    “1 And it came to pass, when Samuel was old, that he made his sons judges over Israel.

    2 Now the name of his firstborn was Joel; and the name of his second, Abiah: they were judges in Beersheba.

    3 And his sons walked not in his ways, but turned aside after lucre, and took bribes, and perverted judgment.

    4 Then all the elders of Israel gathered themselves together, and came to Samuel unto Ramah,

    5 And said unto him, Behold, thou art old, and thy sons walk not in thy ways: now make us a king to judge us like all the nations”
    1 Samuel 8

  3. …as far as Ken Griffey Jr. is concerned, apparently he did well with the Mariners, but his Pa made his bones playing for the Reds and KGJ was, with GREAT fanfare, breifly recruited by the Reds, but WHILE he was a Red, he SUUUUUUCKED. Injuries, yes, but funny how that was only a problem in CIN, he took right off on returning to SEA…

    …he played 8 seasons as a Red, but good luck finding much in him in a Reds uniform. It’s almost like he was embarrassed by it…

  4. Jason Bonham did a superlative job at his recent concert in Michigan.
    It was better than I thought it would be, always a pleasurable surprise.
    His band mates needed improvement, and happily they ARE improving.

  5. If you could resurrect Keith Moon you might find someone better than John Bonham.

    Jason is more than an extremely good drummer, he has HEART and he lets the audience know about it.

    His music honors his father and he honors us with the blessing of re-creating it best he can. No one could ask more of him.

    But there will never be another John Bonham, he was simply the best.

  6. John Wayne > Ethan Wayne

    Ethan, ine of John Wayne’s real life sons, starred as John’s character’s grandson in “Big Jake” alongside visibly older brother Patrick as John Wayne’s character’s son, but the movie thing really didn’t pan out for him. When you see his filmography you will be vey unsurprised you never heard of him.

    …He seemed to have found a useful niche running John Wayne Enterprises, being on the board of the John Wayne Cancer Foundation and havung created its Team DUKE fundraising program, but as far as acting success vs. his father, well, management really IS a better direction for him to take.

    Good on him for fighting the cancer that took his father, tho. May his efforts there ever be blessed. Not everyone can be a famous actor and it would be an unlivable world if they COULD.

  7. I’ll disagree on Peyton and Archie Manning. Sure Peyton has titles and records, but for talent, Archie was better. Archie was the better athlete and was quick and fast, unlike either of his sons. Archie was on a terrible team and was running for his life. He would’ve easily won a super bowl on a good team.
    But if we are just looking at accomplishments in the NFL, Peyton wins.

  8. To be fair, wasn’t this the first try of artificial insemination by fertilizing an egg found on a used Kotex with the spit from a syphilitic whore by mixing with bloody stool in a petri dish?

    Rob Reiner – Carl Reiner

    Meathead will always be meathead.

  9. I think Michael Douglas has made some good movies. I could never stand Kirk D. Maybe because I couldn’t look away from that giant chin dimple. Reminded me of J Carey in “Me Myself and Irene.” Look, daddy got a little butthole on his chin.

  10. …Jesus HIMSELF seemed to not think he quite measured up, by His own Words…

    “17 And when he was gone forth into the way, there came one running, and kneeled to him, and asked him, Good Master, what shall I do that I may inherit eternal life?

    18 And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God.”
    Mark 10:17-18

    …pretty tough standard to meet, true, but he IS Jesus so the self-deprecation here is a bit of a surprise…

  11. Vince Lombardi- Vincent Lombardi Jr

    Sr was a complete piece of shit father. but hey everyone likes to snap the carrot (um masturbate) to his coaching record because sports are sooooooo important


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