Seems the F-35 Lightening Can’t Handle Lightening – IOTW Report

Seems the F-35 Lightening Can’t Handle Lightening

UK Daily Mail

A F-35 jet could have crashed on Sunday due to poor weather in South Carolina, new audio suggests – as questions mount as to why the disastrous training exercise was allowed to proceed.

The F-35B Lightning II which the unnamed Marine pilot was flying is believed to be at risk of malfunctions if it flies in thunderstorms, according to a Forbes investigation in November.

Its sister jet, the F-35A, is more severely affected and cannot fly within 25 miles of lightning. More

32 Comments on Seems the F-35 Lightening Can’t Handle Lightening

  1. I wrote on an early thread about this about all the data ports that flying electronic shit show has. Well what I’m hearing, and I’ve got a pretty reliable source, is, they think it was hacked. That’s why they grounded all of them immediately. Apparently this has been a concern for a while.
    I wonder if the Chinese own any land next to that air field?

  2. ^^^ “I wonder if the Chinese own any land next to that air field?”

    they don’t own it, but they use land in cuba.
    nice, huh?
    I read the plane had 1000 miles of fuel onboard.
    cuba was 750 miles away

  3. American crony capitalism produced the F-35 Lightning…

    — All-weather plane that can’t handle lightning
    — Software-controlled avionics vulnerable to hacking
    — Totally fly-by-wire so if software crashes so does the plane
    — Hackably networked into full DOD combat comm & control systems
    — Somewhere between $80,000,000 and $120,000,000 EACH

    Makes you want to cry, doesn’t it?

  4. Living within spittin’ distance of a Marine Corps Air Station with an F-35 squadron, and having contacts within that community I can say that opinions around here are like ASSHOLES…EVERYBODY HAS ONE! One friend told me he is pretty sure the COMCHINKS have it and are reverse engineering it already. Then I reminded him that it’s also known as the JOINT STRIKE FIGHTER which hand several countries contributing to it. I’m sure They already had access to all they need to build their own. They could have gotten a full set of plans from the French for a couple bottles of wine!

  5. Doc

    Have you ever seen their version. It looks just like the F35 except the added some little miniature wing underneath the cockpit. They’ve had those plans ten years ago. It’s old technology to them. I doubt some one swiped it. Primarily for the reason you mention. Every one and their brother has one.

  6. I watched a doc about the Boeing E-4 :NIGHTWATCH” (AACP) Advanced Airborne Command post Designed to survive EMP attack, is “Hardened” and “Still uses traditional analog Flight instruments etc.

    It looks like there are still some Good Old Hard Asses that like reliable shit.

    Wiki it…

  7. Not an AF type but surely the AF must have war gamed this vulnerability and had both civil and military flight protocols in place?

    Why did the pilot eject and the other pilot turn away and let an unguided missle just drift away? You would think the other plane would have at least followed the plane to see where it crashed .

    Something stinks here, I suspect China Joe was letting his Chicom brothers test EW, maybe an flight jockey can weigh in…


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