Not a Care in the World – IOTW Report

Not a Care in the World


Joe Biden called a lid Sunday morning and went into hiding amid an unprecedented attack against Israel by Hamas terrorists.

Biden has nothing on his public schedule for Sunday. He called it a day at 11:34 am.

According to a pool report, Joe Biden is actually enjoying a picnic in the Rose Garden with a live band. More

14 Comments on Not a Care in the World

  1. Steeped in the reality that some lairs do in fact prosper, that not all wrongs are righted and that many times evil is not only not punished but praised given the right amount of nuance and deception, I often wonder how history and those writing it will view the shameful saga known as the Biden term.

    Given what we have seen recently, the criminal targeting of a political opponent, the death of free speech in social media orchestrated by the government (not only suppression of speech but a platforming of government-approved talking points) the weaponization of the Justice Department, marshal law (essentially) in shutting down schools, businesses and places of worship, the total lack of curiosity and duty within the MSM as they shill for the ruling class, and a certain crime family that has enriched themselves while breaking numerous laws, (even committing treason) while aiding our enemies for monetary payment, will any of this be frowned on by future generations, will they even care?

  2. @Rich
    ” will any of this be frowned on by future generations, will they even care?”
    If the commies get their way history will be erased so future generations won’t even know.

  3. LBS,

    His Portrait should be of him laying on an adult sized change table getting his diaper changed by a 300 pound Ukrainian Nurse.


  4. @ geoff the aardvark. Spot on. But, not only the husk. Hamas are nothing more than cowards. It takes a real tough bunch of alpha males to shoot, rape & kill defenseless elderly, women & children. They are so chickenshit that they have to use innocent folks as human shields. I sincerely hope Bibi Netanyahu turns all of Gaza into a big parking lot.


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