Israel Relaxes Gun Restrictions – IOTW Report

Israel Relaxes Gun Restrictions

Just the News

Israel is easing its gun laws with the goal of arming “as many citizens as possible,” according to Minister Itamar Ben Gvir, as former U.S. Ambassador Jeffrey Gunter is urging Israelis to take up guns in self-defense after the horrific Hamas terror attacks. 

“There’s a great desire of Israelis to protect their homeland,” Gunter told Just the News. “And I think along with that will be an increased desire to have gun ownership.

”Because just like America, the country being by the people, for the people, I believe the same thing in Israel,” said Gunter, a Republican Jewish Coalition board member who is running for U.S. Senate in Nevada in 2024. after serving as ambassador to Iceland. More

30 Comments on Israel Relaxes Gun Restrictions

  1. Why are people giving up their gun rights to people who were elected to do their wishes? We are too tolerant of those who will enslave us if we let them and we are well on our way.

  2. I do not understand as much as they have been attacked that all of their citizens weren’t armed to the teeth! Just murdered like sitting ducks,it really pisses me off and I’m not Jewish.

  3. Dadof4
    TUESDAY, 10 OCTOBER 2023, 11:53 AT 11:53 AM

    “Funny that you can see how stupid gun restrictions are when your life is on the line.”

    Or when someone you love is murdered.

  4. The “leftist liberals” in Israel have been attempting to disarm Israei civilians for decades while also attempting to show through their leftist media mouthpieces just how much the average “Palestian” want peace.
    Sound familiar?

  5. They literally lived right next to rabid animals and their own government prevented them from defending themselves. In some neasure liberal Jewish government is just as responsible for those headless infants.

    Better late than never for the Jews to figure this out and thus arm their population to the teeth finally.

    There is no compromise with Islam because Islam has never, ever compromised with any other religion.

    The only solution for Israel and her survival is to wipe the Islamic scum from the face of the earth.

    Every square inch of Gaza and the West Bank should be repatriated and the remaining Islamic diaspora scattered to their fellow MUslim countries.

    Other Muslims hate the Palestinians with a passion but they have always been useful idiots as cannon fodder.

    Israel must completely destroy the Palestinian “state” and raze Gaza to the ground.

    Shove those shitty child murdering Islamic bastards into the sea, and never allow a single Muslim back into the country.

    We are at the end of days IOTW critters. Prepare to be with our Lord and Savior as world war is coming.

    At least we can and will fight the Chicom infiltration to the death when they are unleashed across America.

    Carry with extra mags every time you step out the door. The Pedo Traitor has literally allowed tens of thousands of Chicom males into America to attack us when they go for Taiwan next April.

    I pray to the Lord God Almighty that he delivers us from the coming evil but his will be done.

  6. Different Tim
    TUESDAY, 10 OCTOBER 2023, 13:16 AT 1:16 PM
    “It’s done raining, break out the umbrellas.”

    It’s nowhere near done raining over there.

    Raining death.

    And always remember that it rains on the just and the unjust alike.
    Matthew 5:45

  7. Leende Tuesday, 10 October 2023, 12:07 at 12:07 pm

    I do not understand as much as they have been attacked that all of their citizens weren’t armed to the teeth! Just murdered like sitting ducks,it really pisses me off and I’m not Jewish.

    I’m not Jewish either, but I know better than to get on the cattle car. Why did they hop onboard the suicide train? They learned nothing from that ordeal.

  8. israeli gun control “relaxer” – undoubtedly some sand-nword mofo in a lawyer suit, barricaded by 24/7 fully-automatic security types – “allowing” 100 rounds? telephone approval? suck mfkng dick, asshole. israelis will determine what they need.

  9. Cisco you are sounding the alarm. Good man. Research the 2030 Singularity. TPTB say Man will merge with AI. 2030 is their magic date. That’s 7 years from now +/- Ponder that plan of mankind.

  10. Gun free zones are not a fantasy; expecting 100% compliance from all population is.
    And it won’t work any other way.
    OTOH, it’s been said an armed society is a polite society; I like that scenario much better.


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